@@ -1,178 +1,178 @@
- <!-- 表单 -->
- <div v-show="getShow" class="form-cont">
- <!-- <LoginFormTitle style="width: 100%" />-->
+ <div v-show="ssoVisible" class="form-cont">
+ <!-- 应用名 -->
+ <LoginFormTitle style="width: 100%" />
<el-tabs class="form" style="float: none" value="uname">
- <el-tab-pane :label="'三方授权(' + client.name + ')'" name="uname" />
+ <el-tab-pane :label="client.name" name="uname" />
- <el-form ref="ssoForm" :model="loginForm" class="login-form">
+ <el-form :model="formData" class="login-form">
<!-- 授权范围的选择 -->
<el-form-item prop="scopes">
- <el-checkbox-group v-model="loginForm.scopes">
+ <el-checkbox-group v-model="formData.scopes">
- v-for="scope in params.scopes"
+ v-for="scope in queryParams.scopes"
style="display: block; margin-bottom: -10px"
- >{{ formatScope(scope) }}
+ >
+ {{ formatScope(scope) }}
<!-- 下方的登录按钮 -->
- <el-form-item style="width: 100%">
+ <el-form-item class="w-1/1">
- :loading="loading"
- size="small"
- style="width: 60%"
+ :loading="formLoading"
+ class="w-6/10"
- <span v-if="!loading">同意授权</span>
+ <span v-if="!formLoading">同意授权</span>
<span v-else>授 权 中...</span>
- <el-button size="small" style="width: 36%" @click.prevent="handleAuthorize(false)"
- >拒绝
- </el-button>
+ <el-button class="w-3/10" @click.prevent="handleAuthorize(false)">拒绝</el-button>
<script lang="ts" name="SSOLogin" setup>
-// import LoginFormTitle from './LoginFormTitle.vue' // TODO 艿艿你看看要不要这个表头
-import { authorize, getAuthorize, paramsType, scopesType } from '@/api/login'
+import LoginFormTitle from './LoginFormTitle.vue'
+import * as OAuth2Api from '@/api/login/oauth2'
import { LoginStateEnum, useLoginState } from './useLogin'
import type { RouteLocationNormalizedLoaded } from 'vue-router'
-const { t } = useI18n()
-const ssoForm = ref() // 表单Ref
+const route = useRoute() // 路由
+const { currentRoute } = useRouter() // 路由
const { getLoginState, setLoginState } = useLoginState()
-const getShow = computed(() => unref(getLoginState) === LoginStateEnum.SSO)
-const loginForm = reactive<{ scopes: scopesType }>({
- scopes: [] // 已选中的 scope 数组
+const client = ref({
+ // 客户端信息
+ name: '',
+ logo: ''
-const params = reactive<paramsType>({
+const queryParams = reactive({
// URL 上的 client_id、scope 等参数
responseType: '',
clientId: '',
redirectUri: '',
state: '',
scopes: [] // 优先从 query 参数获取;如果未传递,从后端获取
-}) // 表单Ref
-const client = ref({
- // 客户端信息
- name: '',
- logo: ''
-const loading = ref(false)
-const handleAuthorize = (approved) => {
- ssoForm.value.validate((valid) => {
- if (!valid) {
- return
- }
- loading.value = true
- // 计算 checkedScopes + uncheckedScopes
- let checkedScopes
- let uncheckedScopes
- if (approved) {
- // 同意授权,按照用户的选择
- checkedScopes = loginForm.scopes
- uncheckedScopes = params.scopes.filter((item) => checkedScopes.indexOf(item) === -1)
- } else {
- // 拒绝,则都是取消
- checkedScopes = []
- uncheckedScopes = params.scopes
- }
- // 提交授权的请求
- doAuthorize(false, checkedScopes, uncheckedScopes)
- .then((res) => {
- const href = res.data
- if (!href) {
- return
- }
- location.href = href
- })
- .finally(() => {
- loading.value = false
- })
- })
-const doAuthorize = (autoApprove, checkedScopes, uncheckedScopes) => {
- return authorize(
- params.responseType,
- params.clientId,
- params.redirectUri,
- params.state,
- autoApprove,
- checkedScopes,
- uncheckedScopes
- )
-const formatScope = (scope) => {
- // 格式化 scope 授权范围,方便用户理解。
- // 这里仅仅是一个 demo,可以考虑录入到字典数据中,例如说字典类型 "system_oauth2_scope",它的每个 scope 都是一条字典数据。
- // TODO 这个之做了中文部分
- return t(`login.sso.${scope}`)
-const route = useRoute()
-const init = () => {
+const ssoVisible = computed(() => unref(getLoginState) === LoginStateEnum.SSO) // 是否展示 SSO 登录的表单
+const formData = reactive({
+ scopes: [] // 已选中的 scope 数组
+const formLoading = ref(false) // 表单是否提交中
+/** 初始化授权信息 */
+const init = async () => {
// 防止在没有登录的情况下循环弹窗
if (typeof route.query.client_id === 'undefined') return
// 解析参数
// 例如说【自动授权不通过】:client_id=default&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.iocoder.cn&response_type=code&scope=user.read%20user.write
// 例如说【自动授权通过】:client_id=default&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.iocoder.cn&response_type=code&scope=user.read
- params.responseType = route.query.response_type as string
- params.clientId = route.query.client_id as string
- params.redirectUri = route.query.redirect_uri as string
- params.state = route.query.state as string
+ queryParams.responseType = route.query.response_type as string
+ queryParams.clientId = route.query.client_id as string
+ queryParams.redirectUri = route.query.redirect_uri as string
+ queryParams.state = route.query.state as string
if (route.query.scope) {
- params.scopes = (route.query.scope as string).split(' ')
+ queryParams.scopes = (route.query.scope as string).split(' ')
// 如果有 scope 参数,先执行一次自动授权,看看是否之前都授权过了。
- if (params.scopes.length > 0) {
- doAuthorize(true, params.scopes, []).then((res) => {
- if (!res) {
- console.log('自动授权未通过!')
- return
- }
- location.href = res.data
- })
+ if (queryParams.scopes.length > 0) {
+ const data = await doAuthorize(true, queryParams.scopes, [])
+ if (data) {
+ location.href = data
+ return
+ }
// 获取授权页的基本信息
- getAuthorize(params.clientId).then((res) => {
- client.value = res.client
- // 解析 scope
- let scopes
- // 1.1 如果 params.scope 非空,则过滤下返回的 scopes
- if (params.scopes.length > 0) {
- scopes = []
- for (const scope of res.scopes) {
- if (params.scopes.indexOf(scope.key) >= 0) {
- scopes.push(scope)
- }
- }
- // 1.2 如果 params.scope 为空,则使用返回的 scopes 设置它
- } else {
- scopes = res.scopes
- for (const scope of scopes) {
- params.scopes.push(scope.key)
+ const data = await OAuth2Api.getAuthorize(queryParams.clientId)
+ client.value = data.client
+ // 解析 scope
+ let scopes
+ // 1.1 如果 params.scope 非空,则过滤下返回的 scopes
+ if (queryParams.scopes.length > 0) {
+ scopes = []
+ for (const scope of data.scopes) {
+ if (queryParams.scopes.indexOf(scope.key) >= 0) {
+ scopes.push(scope)
- // 生成已选中的 checkedScopes
+ // 1.2 如果 params.scope 为空,则使用返回的 scopes 设置它
+ } else {
+ scopes = data.scopes
for (const scope of scopes) {
- if (scope.value) {
- loginForm.scopes.push(scope.key)
- }
+ queryParams.scopes.push(scope.key)
+ }
+ }
+ // 生成已选中的 checkedScopes
+ for (const scope of scopes) {
+ if (scope.value) {
+ formData.scopes.push(scope.key)
- })
+ }
+/** 处理授权的提交 */
+const handleAuthorize = async (approved) => {
+ // 计算 checkedScopes + uncheckedScopes
+ let checkedScopes
+ let uncheckedScopes
+ if (approved) {
+ // 同意授权,按照用户的选择
+ checkedScopes = formData.scopes
+ uncheckedScopes = queryParams.scopes.filter((item) => checkedScopes.indexOf(item) === -1)
+ } else {
+ // 拒绝,则都是取消
+ checkedScopes = []
+ uncheckedScopes = queryParams.scopes
+ }
+ // 提交授权的请求
+ formLoading.value = true
+ try {
+ const data = await doAuthorize(false, checkedScopes, uncheckedScopes)
+ if (!data) {
+ return
+ }
+ location.href = data
+ } finally {
+ formLoading.value = false
+ }
-// =======SSO======
-const { currentRoute } = useRouter()
-// 监听当前路由
+/** 调用授权 API 接口 */
+const doAuthorize = (autoApprove, checkedScopes, uncheckedScopes) => {
+ return OAuth2Api.authorize(
+ queryParams.responseType,
+ queryParams.clientId,
+ queryParams.redirectUri,
+ queryParams.state,
+ autoApprove,
+ checkedScopes,
+ uncheckedScopes
+ )
+/** 格式化 scope 文本 */
+const formatScope = (scope) => {
+ // 格式化 scope 授权范围,方便用户理解。
+ // 这里仅仅是一个 demo,可以考虑录入到字典数据中,例如说字典类型 "system_oauth2_scope",它的每个 scope 都是一条字典数据。
+ switch (scope) {
+ case 'user.read':
+ return '访问你的个人信息'
+ case 'user.write':
+ return '修改你的个人信息'
+ default:
+ return scope
+ }
+/** 监听当前路由为 SSOLogin 时,进行数据的初始化 */
() => currentRoute.value,
(route: RouteLocationNormalizedLoaded) => {
@@ -183,5 +183,4 @@ watch(
{ immediate: true }