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Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/yudao/develop' into develop

puhui999 10 months ago

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 0 - 0

+ 82 - 9

@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 package cn.iocoder.yudao.module.crm.service.statistics;
 import cn.hutool.core.collection.CollUtil;
 import cn.hutool.core.util.ObjUtil;
 import cn.iocoder.yudao.module.crm.controller.admin.statistics.vo.performance.CrmStatisticsPerformanceReqVO;
 import cn.iocoder.yudao.module.crm.controller.admin.statistics.vo.performance.CrmStatisticsPerformanceRespVO;
@@ -13,8 +14,9 @@ import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
 import org.springframework.validation.annotation.Validated;
 import jakarta.annotation.Resource;
-import java.util.Collections;
-import java.util.List;
+import java.math.BigDecimal;
+import java.util.*;
 import java.util.function.Function;
 import static cn.iocoder.yudao.framework.common.util.collection.CollectionUtils.convertList;
@@ -38,7 +40,7 @@ public class CrmStatisticsPerformanceServiceImpl implements CrmStatisticsPerform
     public List<CrmStatisticsPerformanceRespVO> getContractCountPerformance(CrmStatisticsPerformanceReqVO performanceReqVO) {
-        // TODO @scholar:我们可以换个思路实现,减少数据库的计算量
+        // TODO @scholar:可以把下面这个注释,你理解后,重新整理下,写到 getPerformance 里
         // 比如说,2024 年的合同数据,是不是 2022-12 到 2024-12-31,每个月的统计呢?
         // 理解之后,我们可以数据 group by 年-月,20222-12 到 2024-12-31 的,然后内存在聚合出 CrmStatisticsPerformanceRespVO 这样
         // 这样,我们就可以减少数据库的计算量,提升性能;同时 SQL 也会很简单,开发者理解起来也简单哈;
@@ -55,28 +57,99 @@ public class CrmStatisticsPerformanceServiceImpl implements CrmStatisticsPerform
         return getPerformance(performanceReqVO, performanceMapper::selectReceivablePricePerformance);
+    // TODO @scholar:代码注释,应该有 3 个变量哈;
      * 获得员工业绩数据
      * @param performanceReqVO  参数
-     * @param performanceFunction 排行榜方法
-     * @return 排行版数据
+     * @param performanceFunction 员工业绩统计方法
+     * @return 员工业绩数据
+    // TODO @scholar:下面一行的变量,超过一行了,阅读不美观;可以考虑每一行一个变量;
     private List<CrmStatisticsPerformanceRespVO> getPerformance(CrmStatisticsPerformanceReqVO performanceReqVO, Function<CrmStatisticsPerformanceReqVO,
             List<CrmStatisticsPerformanceRespVO>> performanceFunction) {
+        // TODO @scholar:没使用到的变量,建议删除;
+        List<CrmStatisticsPerformanceRespVO> performanceRespVOList;
         // 1. 获得用户编号数组
         final List<Long> userIds = getUserIds(performanceReqVO);
         if (CollUtil.isEmpty(userIds)) {
             return Collections.emptyList();
-        // 2. 获得排行数据
+        // TODO @scholar:1. 和 2. 之间,可以考虑换一行;保证每一块逻辑的间隔;
+        // 2. 获得业绩数据
+        // TODO @scholar:复数变量,建议使用 s 或者 list 结果;这里用 performanceList  好列;
         List<CrmStatisticsPerformanceRespVO> performance = performanceFunction.apply(performanceReqVO);
-        if (CollUtil.isEmpty(performance)) {
-            return Collections.emptyList();
+        // 获取查询的年份
+        // TODO @scholar:逻辑可以简化一下;
+        // TODO 1)把 performance 转换成 map;key 是 time,value 是 count
+        // TODO 2)当前年,遍历 1-12 月份,去 map 拿到 count;接着月份 -1,去 map 拿 count;再年份 -1,拿 count
+        String currentYear = LocalDateTimeUtil.format(performanceReqVO.getTimes()[0],"yyyy");
+        // 构造查询当年和前一年,每年12个月的年月组合
+        List<String> allMonths = new ArrayList<>();
+        for (int year = Integer.parseInt(currentYear)-1; year <= Integer.parseInt(currentYear); year++) {
+            for (int month = 1; month <= 12; month++) {
+                allMonths.add(String.format("%d%02d", year, month));
+            }
+        }
+        List<CrmStatisticsPerformanceRespVO> computedList = new ArrayList<>();
+        List<CrmStatisticsPerformanceRespVO> respVOList = new ArrayList<>();
+        // 生成computedList基础数据
+        // 构造完整的2*12个月的数据,如果某月数据缺失,需要补上0,一年12个月不能有缺失
+        for (String month : allMonths) {
+            CrmStatisticsPerformanceRespVO foundData =
+                    .filter(data -> data.getTime().equals(month))
+                    .findFirst()
+                    .orElse(null);
+            if (foundData != null) {
+                computedList.add(foundData);
+            } else {
+                CrmStatisticsPerformanceRespVO missingData = new CrmStatisticsPerformanceRespVO();
+                missingData.setTime(month);
+                missingData.setCurrentMonthCount(BigDecimal.ZERO);
+                missingData.setLastMonthCount(BigDecimal.ZERO);
+                missingData.setLastYearCount(BigDecimal.ZERO);
+                computedList.add(missingData);
+            }
+        }
+        //根据查询年份和前一年的数据,计算查询年份的同比环比数据
+        for (CrmStatisticsPerformanceRespVO currentData : computedList) {
+            String currentMonth = currentData.getTime();
+            // 根据当年和前一年的月销售数据,计算currentYear的完整数据
+            if (currentMonth.startsWith(currentYear)) {
+                // 计算 LastMonthCount
+                int currentIndex = computedList.indexOf(currentData);
+                if (currentIndex > 0) {
+                    CrmStatisticsPerformanceRespVO lastMonthData = computedList.get(currentIndex - 1);
+                    currentData.setLastMonthCount(lastMonthData.getCurrentMonthCount());
+                } else {
+                    currentData.setLastMonthCount(BigDecimal.ZERO); // 第一个月的 LastMonthCount 设为0
+                }
+                // 计算 LastYearCount
+                String lastYearMonth = String.valueOf(Integer.parseInt(currentMonth) - 100);
+                CrmStatisticsPerformanceRespVO lastYearData =
+                        .filter(data -> data.getTime().equals(lastYearMonth))
+                        .findFirst()
+                        .orElse(null);
+                if (lastYearData != null) {
+                    currentData.setLastYearCount(lastYearData.getCurrentMonthCount());
+                } else {
+                    currentData.setLastYearCount(BigDecimal.ZERO); // 如果去年同月数据不存在,设为0
+                }
+                respVOList.add(currentData);//给前端只需要返回查询当年的数据,不需要前一年数据
+            }
-        return performance;
+        return respVOList;

+ 20 - 112

@@ -5,75 +5,28 @@
     <select id="selectContractCountPerformance"
-        t.time as time,
-        COALESCE(t.currentMonthCount,0) as currentMonthCount,
-        COALESCE(y.lastMonthCount,0) as lastMonthCount,
-        COALESCE(z.lastYearCount,0) as lastYearCount
-        FROM
-        (SELECT
-        COUNT(1) AS currentMonthCount,
-        DATE_FORMAT(order_date, '%Y-%m') AS time
-        FROM	crm_contract
+            DATE_FORMAT(order_date, '%Y%m') AS time,
+            COUNT(1) AS currentMonthCount
+        FROM crm_contract
         WHERE deleted = 0
+        <!-- TODO @scholar:20 改成静态类引入 -->
         AND audit_status = 20
         AND owner_user_id in
-        <foreach collection="userIds" item="userId" open="(" close=")" separator=",">
-            #{userId}
-        </foreach>
-        AND DATE_FORMAT(order_date, '%Y') = DATE_FORMAT(#{times[0],javaType=java.time.LocalDateTime},'%Y')
-        GROUP BY time)t
-        LEFT JOIN
-        (SELECT
-        COUNT(1) AS lastMonthCount,
-        DATE_FORMAT(DATE_ADD(order_date,INTERVAL 1 MONTH), '%Y-%m') AS time
-        FROM	crm_contract
-        WHERE deleted = 0
-        AND audit_status = 20
-        AND owner_user_id in
-        <foreach collection="userIds" item="userId" open="(" close=")" separator=",">
-            #{userId}
-        </foreach>
-        AND (DATE_FORMAT(order_date, '%Y') = DATE_FORMAT(#{times[0],javaType=java.time.LocalDateTime},'%Y')
-        or DATE_FORMAT(order_date, '%Y') = DATE_FORMAT(#{times[0],javaType=java.time.LocalDateTime},'%Y')-1)
-        GROUP BY time)y ON t.time = y.time
-        LEFT JOIN
-        (SELECT
-        COUNT(1) AS lastYearCount,
-        DATE_FORMAT(DATE_ADD(order_date,INTERVAL 1 YEAR), '%Y-%m') AS time
-        FROM	crm_contract
-        WHERE deleted = 0
-        AND audit_status = 20
-        AND owner_user_id in
-        <foreach collection="userIds" item="userId" open="(" close=")" separator=",">
-            #{userId}
-        </foreach>
-        AND DATE_FORMAT(order_date, '%Y') = DATE_FORMAT(#{times[0],javaType=java.time.LocalDateTime},'%Y')-1
-        GROUP BY time)z ON t.time = z.time
+            <foreach collection="userIds" item="userId" open="(" close=")" separator=",">
+                #{userId}
+            </foreach>
+        <!-- TODO @scholar:CrmStatisticsPerformanceReqVO 传递 year,然后 java 代码里,转换出 times;这样,order_time 使用范围查询,避免使用函数 -->
+        AND (DATE_FORMAT(order_date, '%Y') = DATE_FORMAT(#{times[0],javaType=java.time.LocalDateTime}, '%Y')
+        or DATE_FORMAT(order_date, '%Y') = DATE_FORMAT(#{times[0],javaType=java.time.LocalDateTime}, '%Y') - 1)
+        GROUP BY time
+    <!-- TODO @scholar:参考上面,调整下这个 SQL 的排版、和代码建议哈 -->
     <select id="selectContractPricePerformance"
-        t.time as time,
-        COALESCE(t.currentMonthCount,0) as currentMonthCount,
-        COALESCE(y.lastMonthCount,0) as lastMonthCount,
-        COALESCE(z.lastYearCount,0) as lastYearCount
-        FROM
-        (SELECT
-        IFNULL(SUM(total_price), 0) AS currentMonthCount,
-        DATE_FORMAT(order_date, '%Y-%m') AS time
-        FROM	crm_contract
-        WHERE deleted = 0
-        AND audit_status = 20
-        AND owner_user_id in
-        <foreach collection="userIds" item="userId" open="(" close=")" separator=",">
-            #{userId}
-        </foreach>
-        AND DATE_FORMAT(order_date, '%Y') = DATE_FORMAT(#{times[0],javaType=java.time.LocalDateTime},'%Y')
-        GROUP BY time)t
-        LEFT JOIN
-        (SELECT
-        IFNULL(SUM(total_price), 0) AS lastMonthCount,
-        DATE_FORMAT(DATE_ADD(order_date,INTERVAL 1 MONTH), '%Y-%m') AS time
+        DATE_FORMAT(order_date, '%Y%m') AS time,
+        IFNULL(SUM(total_price), 0) AS currentMonthCount
         FROM	crm_contract
         WHERE deleted = 0
         AND audit_status = 20
@@ -83,46 +36,15 @@
         AND (DATE_FORMAT(order_date, '%Y') = DATE_FORMAT(#{times[0],javaType=java.time.LocalDateTime},'%Y')
         or DATE_FORMAT(order_date, '%Y') = DATE_FORMAT(#{times[0],javaType=java.time.LocalDateTime},'%Y')-1)
-        GROUP BY time)y ON t.time = y.time
-        LEFT JOIN
-        (SELECT
-        IFNULL(SUM(total_price), 0) AS lastYearCount,
-        DATE_FORMAT(DATE_ADD(order_date,INTERVAL 1 YEAR), '%Y-%m') AS time
-        FROM	crm_contract
-        WHERE deleted = 0
-        AND audit_status = 20
-        AND owner_user_id in
-        <foreach collection="userIds" item="userId" open="(" close=")" separator=",">
-            #{userId}
-        </foreach>
-        AND DATE_FORMAT(order_date, '%Y') = DATE_FORMAT(#{times[0],javaType=java.time.LocalDateTime},'%Y')-1
-        GROUP BY time)z ON t.time = z.time
+        GROUP BY time
+    <!-- TODO @scholar:参考上面,调整下这个 SQL 的排版、和代码建议哈 -->
     <select id="selectReceivablePricePerformance"
-        t.time as time,
-        COALESCE(t.currentMonthCount,0) as currentMonthCount,
-        COALESCE(y.lastMonthCount,0) as lastMonthCount,
-        COALESCE(z.lastYearCount,0) as lastYearCount
-        FROM
-        (SELECT
-        IFNULL(SUM(price), 0) AS currentMonthCount,
-        DATE_FORMAT(return_time, '%Y-%m') AS time
-        FROM	crm_receivable
-        WHERE deleted = 0
-        AND audit_status = 20
-        AND owner_user_id in
-        <foreach collection="userIds" item="userId" open="(" close=")" separator=",">
-            #{userId}
-        </foreach>
-        AND DATE_FORMAT(return_time, '%Y') = DATE_FORMAT(#{times[0],javaType=java.time.LocalDateTime},'%Y')
-        GROUP BY time)t
-        LEFT JOIN
-        (SELECT
-        IFNULL(SUM(price), 0) AS lastMonthCount,
-        DATE_FORMAT(DATE_ADD(return_time,INTERVAL 1 MONTH), '%Y-%m') AS time
+        DATE_FORMAT(return_time, '%Y%m') AS time,
+        IFNULL(SUM(price), 0) AS currentMonthCount
         FROM	crm_receivable
         WHERE deleted = 0
         AND audit_status = 20
@@ -132,21 +54,7 @@
         AND (DATE_FORMAT(return_time, '%Y') = DATE_FORMAT(#{times[0],javaType=java.time.LocalDateTime},'%Y')
         or DATE_FORMAT(return_time, '%Y') = DATE_FORMAT(#{times[0],javaType=java.time.LocalDateTime},'%Y')-1)
-        GROUP BY time)y ON t.time = y.time
-        LEFT JOIN
-        (SELECT
-        IFNULL(SUM(price), 0) AS lastYearCount,
-        DATE_FORMAT(DATE_ADD(return_time,INTERVAL 1 YEAR), '%Y-%m') AS time
-        FROM	crm_receivable
-        WHERE deleted = 0
-        AND audit_status = 20
-        AND owner_user_id in
-        <foreach collection="userIds" item="userId" open="(" close=")" separator=",">
-            #{userId}
-        </foreach>
-        AND DATE_FORMAT(return_time, '%Y') = DATE_FORMAT(#{times[0],javaType=java.time.LocalDateTime},'%Y')-1
-        GROUP BY time)z ON t.time = z.time
+        GROUP BY time

+ 1 - 1

@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ public class DeliveryExpressTemplateServiceImpl implements DeliveryExpressTempla
         List<DeliveryExpressTemplateFreeDO> oldList = expressTemplateFreeMapper.selectListByTemplateId(templateId);
         List<DeliveryExpressTemplateFreeDO> newList = INSTANCE.convertTemplateFreeList(templateId, frees);
         List<List<DeliveryExpressTemplateFreeDO>> diffList = CollectionUtils.diffList(oldList, newList,
-                (oldVal, newVal) -> ObjectUtil.equal(oldVal.getId(), newVal.getTemplateId()));
+                (oldVal, newVal) -> ObjectUtil.equal(oldVal.getId(), newVal.getId()));
         // 第二步,批量添加、修改、删除
         if (CollUtil.isNotEmpty(diffList.get(0))) {

+ 4 - 2

@@ -36,13 +36,15 @@ public class PayWalletServiceImpl implements  PayWalletService {
     private PayWalletMapper walletMapper;
+    @Lazy // 延迟加载,避免循环依赖
     private PayWalletTransactionService walletTransactionService;
-    @Lazy
+    @Lazy // 延迟加载,避免循环依赖
     private PayOrderService orderService;
-    @Lazy
+    @Lazy // 延迟加载,避免循环依赖
     private PayRefundService refundService;

+ 10 - 0

@@ -198,6 +198,16 @@ justauth:
       client-secret: 1wTb7hYxnpT2TUbIeHGXGo7T0odav1ic10mLdyyATOw
       agent-id: 1000004
       ignore-check-redirect-uri: true
+    # noinspection SpringBootApplicationYaml
+    WECHAT_MINI_APP: # 微信小程序
+      client-id: ${wx.miniapp.appid}
+      client-secret: ${wx.miniapp.secret}
+      ignore-check-redirect-uri: true
+      ignore-check-state: true # 微信小程序,不会使用到 state,所以不进行校验
+    WECHAT_MP: # 微信公众号
+      client-id: ${}
+      client-secret: ${}
+      ignore-check-redirect-uri: true
     type: REDIS
     prefix: 'social_auth_state:' # 缓存前缀,目前只对 Redis 缓存生效,默认 JUSTAUTH::STATE::

+ 1 - 0

@@ -254,6 +254,7 @@ justauth:
       client-secret: 1wTb7hYxnpT2TUbIeHGXGo7T0odav1ic10mLdyyATOw
       agent-id: 1000004
       ignore-check-redirect-uri: true
+    # noinspection SpringBootApplicationYaml
     WECHAT_MINI_APP: # 微信小程序
       client-id: ${wx.miniapp.appid}
       client-secret: ${wx.miniapp.secret}

Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff