@@ -1,715 +1,751 @@
- <div class="app-container">
- <el-row :gutter="20">
- <!--部门数据-->
- <el-col :span="4" :xs="24">
- <div class="head-container">
- <el-input
- v-model="deptName"
- placeholder="请输入部门名称"
- clearable
- size="small"
- prefix-icon="el-icon-search"
- style="margin-bottom: 20px"
- />
- </div>
- <div class="head-container">
- <el-tree
- :data="deptOptions"
- :props="defaultProps"
- :expand-on-click-node="false"
- :filter-node-method="filterNode"
- ref="tree"
- default-expand-all
- @node-click="handleNodeClick"
- />
- </div>
- </el-col>
- <!--用户数据-->
- <el-col :span="20" :xs="24">
- <el-form :model="queryParams" ref="queryForm" :inline="true" v-show="showSearch" label-width="68px">
- <el-form-item label="用户名称" prop="username">
- <el-input
- v-model="queryParams.username"
- placeholder="请输入用户名称"
- clearable
- size="small"
- style="width: 240px"
- @keyup.enter.native="handleQuery"
- />
- </el-form-item>
- <el-form-item label="手机号码" prop="mobile">
- <el-input
- v-model="queryParams.mobile"
- placeholder="请输入手机号码"
- clearable
- size="small"
- style="width: 240px"
- @keyup.enter.native="handleQuery"
- />
- </el-form-item>
- <el-form-item label="状态" prop="status">
- <el-select
- v-model="queryParams.status"
- placeholder="用户状态"
- clearable
- size="small"
- style="width: 240px"
- >
- <el-option
- v-for="dict in statusDictDatas"
- :key="parseInt(dict.value)"
- :label="dict.label"
- :value="parseInt(dict.value)"
- />
- </el-select>
- </el-form-item>
- <el-form-item label="创建时间">
- <el-date-picker
- v-model="dateRange"
- size="small"
- style="width: 240px"
- value-format="yyyy-MM-dd"
- type="daterange"
- range-separator="-"
- start-placeholder="开始日期"
- end-placeholder="结束日期"
- ></el-date-picker>
- </el-form-item>
- <el-form-item>
- <el-button type="cyan" icon="el-icon-search" size="mini" @click="handleQuery">搜索</el-button>
- <el-button icon="el-icon-refresh" size="mini" @click="resetQuery">重置</el-button>
- </el-form-item>
- </el-form>
- <el-row :gutter="10" class="mb8">
- <el-col :span="1.5">
- <el-button
- type="primary"
- icon="el-icon-plus"
- size="mini"
- @click="handleAdd"
- v-hasPermi="['system:user:add']"
- >新增</el-button>
- </el-col>
- <el-col :span="1.5">
- <el-button
- type="info"
- icon="el-icon-upload2"
- size="mini"
- @click="handleImport"
- v-hasPermi="['system:user:import']"
- >导入</el-button>
- </el-col>
- <el-col :span="1.5">
- <el-button
- type="warning"
- icon="el-icon-download"
- size="mini"
- @click="handleExport"
- v-hasPermi="['system:user:export']"
- >导出</el-button>
- </el-col>
- <right-toolbar :showSearch.sync="showSearch" @queryTable="getList"></right-toolbar>
- </el-row>
- <el-table v-loading="loading" :data="userList">
- <el-table-column label="用户编号" align="center" prop="id" />
- <el-table-column label="用户名称" align="center" prop="username" :show-overflow-tooltip="true" />
- <el-table-column label="用户昵称" align="center" prop="nickname" :show-overflow-tooltip="true" />
- <el-table-column label="部门" align="center" prop="dept.name" :show-overflow-tooltip="true" />
- <el-table-column label="手机号码" align="center" prop="mobile" width="120" />
- <el-table-column label="状态" align="center">
- <template slot-scope="scope">
- <el-switch
- v-model="scope.row.status"
- :active-value="0"
- :inactive-value="1"
- @change="handleStatusChange(scope.row)"
- ></el-switch>
- </template>
- </el-table-column>
- <el-table-column label="创建时间" align="center" prop="createTime" width="160">
- <template slot-scope="scope">
- <span>{{ parseTime(scope.row.createTime) }}</span>
- </template>
- </el-table-column>
- <el-table-column
- label="操作"
- align="center"
- width="160"
- class-name="small-padding fixed-width"
- >
- <template slot-scope="scope">
- <el-button
- size="mini"
- type="text"
- icon="el-icon-edit"
- @click="handleUpdate(scope.row)"
- v-hasPermi="['system:user:edit']"
- >修改</el-button>
- <el-button
- v-if="scope.row.id !== 1"
- size="mini"
- type="text"
- icon="el-icon-delete"
- @click="handleDelete(scope.row)"
- v-hasPermi="['system:user:remove']"
- >删除</el-button>
- <el-button
- size="mini"
- type="text"
- icon="el-icon-key"
- @click="handleResetPwd(scope.row)"
- v-hasPermi="['system:user:resetPwd']"
- >重置</el-button>
- <el-button
- size="mini"
- type="text"
- icon="el-icon-circle-check"
- @click="handleRole(scope.row)"
- v-hasPermi="['system:permission:assign-user-role']"
- >分配角色</el-button>
- </template>
- </el-table-column>
- </el-table>
- <pagination
- v-show="total>0"
- :total="total"
- :page.sync="queryParams.pageNo"
- :limit.sync="queryParams.pageSize"
- @pagination="getList"
- />
- </el-col>
- </el-row>
- <!-- 添加或修改参数配置对话框 -->
- <el-dialog :title="title" :visible.sync="open" width="600px" append-to-body>
- <el-form ref="form" :model="form" :rules="rules" label-width="80px">
- <el-row>
- <el-col :span="12">
- <el-form-item label="用户昵称" prop="nickname">
- <el-input v-model="form.nickname" placeholder="请输入用户昵称" />
- </el-form-item>
- </el-col>
- <el-col :span="12">
- <el-form-item label="归属部门" prop="deptId">
- <treeselect v-model="form.deptId" :options="deptOptions" :show-count="true"
- placeholder="请选择归属部门" :normalizer="normalizer"
- />
- </el-form-item>
- </el-col>
- </el-row>
- <el-row>
- <el-col :span="12">
- <el-form-item label="手机号码" prop="mobile">
- <el-input v-model="form.mobile" placeholder="请输入手机号码" maxlength="11" />
- </el-form-item>
- </el-col>
- <el-col :span="12">
- <el-form-item label="邮箱" prop="email">
- <el-input v-model="form.email" placeholder="请输入邮箱" maxlength="50" />
- </el-form-item>
- </el-col>
- </el-row>
- <el-row>
- <el-col :span="12">
- <el-form-item v-if="form.id === undefined" label="用户名称" prop="username">
- <el-input v-model="form.username" placeholder="请输入用户名称" />
- </el-form-item>
- </el-col>
- <el-col :span="12">
- <el-form-item v-if="form.id === undefined" label="用户密码" prop="password">
- <el-input v-model="form.password" placeholder="请输入用户密码" type="password" />
- </el-form-item>
- </el-col>
- </el-row>
- <el-row>
- <el-col :span="12">
- <el-form-item label="用户性别">
- <el-select v-model="form.sex" placeholder="请选择">
- <el-option
- v-for="dict in sexDictDatas"
- :key="parseInt(dict.value)"
- :label="dict.label"
- :value="parseInt(dict.value)"
- ></el-option>
- </el-select>
- </el-form-item>
- </el-col>
- <el-col :span="12">
- <el-form-item label="岗位">
- <el-select v-model="form.postIds" multiple placeholder="请选择">
- <el-option
- v-for="item in postOptions"
- :key="item.id"
- :label="item.name"
- :value="item.id"
- ></el-option>
- </el-select>
- </el-form-item>
- </el-col>
- </el-row>
- <el-row>
- <el-col :span="24">
- <el-form-item label="备注">
- <el-input v-model="form.remark" type="textarea" placeholder="请输入内容"></el-input>
- </el-form-item>
- </el-col>
- </el-row>
- </el-form>
- <div slot="footer" class="dialog-footer">
- <el-button type="primary" @click="submitForm">确 定</el-button>
- <el-button @click="cancel">取 消</el-button>
- </div>
- </el-dialog>
- <!-- 用户导入对话框 -->
- <el-dialog :title="upload.title" :visible.sync="upload.open" width="400px" append-to-body>
- <el-upload
- ref="upload"
- :limit="1"
- accept=".xlsx, .xls"
- :headers="upload.headers"
- :action="upload.url + '?updateSupport=' + upload.updateSupport"
- :disabled="upload.isUploading"
- :on-progress="handleFileUploadProgress"
- :on-success="handleFileSuccess"
- :auto-upload="false"
- drag
- >
- <i class="el-icon-upload"></i>
- <div class="el-upload__text">
- 将文件拖到此处,或
- <em>点击上传</em>
- </div>
- <div class="el-upload__tip" slot="tip">
- <el-checkbox v-model="upload.updateSupport" />是否更新已经存在的用户数据
- <el-link type="info" style="font-size:12px" @click="importTemplate">下载模板</el-link>
- </div>
- <div class="el-upload__tip" style="color:red" slot="tip">提示:仅允许导入“xls”或“xlsx”格式文件!</div>
- </el-upload>
- <div slot="footer" class="dialog-footer">
- <el-button type="primary" @click="submitFileForm">确 定</el-button>
- <el-button @click="upload.open = false">取 消</el-button>
- </div>
- </el-dialog>
- <!-- 分配角色 -->
- <el-dialog title="分配角色" :visible.sync="openRole" width="500px" append-to-body>
- <el-form :model="form" label-width="80px">
- <el-form-item label="用户名称">
- <el-input v-model="form.username" :disabled="true" />
- </el-form-item>
- <el-form-item label="用户昵称">
- <el-input v-model="form.nickname" :disabled="true" />
- </el-form-item>
- <el-form-item label="角色">
- <el-select v-model="form.roleIds" multiple placeholder="请选择">
- <el-option
- v-for="item in roleOptions"
- :key="parseInt(item.id)"
- :label="item.name"
- :value="parseInt(item.id)"
- ></el-option>
- </el-select>
- </el-form-item>
- </el-form>
- <div slot="footer" class="dialog-footer">
- <el-button type="primary" @click="submitRole">确 定</el-button>
- <el-button @click="cancelRole">取 消</el-button>
- </div>
- </el-dialog>
- </div>
-import { listUser, getUser, delUser, addUser, updateUser, exportUser, resetUserPwd, changeUserStatus, importTemplate } from "@/api/system/user";
-import { getToken } from "@/utils/auth";
-import Treeselect from "@riophae/vue-treeselect";
-import "@riophae/vue-treeselect/dist/vue-treeselect.css";
-import {listSimpleDepts} from "@/api/system/dept";
-import {listSimplePosts} from "@/api/system/post";
-import {SysCommonStatusEnum} from "@/utils/constants";
-import {DICT_TYPE, getDictDatas} from "@/utils/dict";
-import {assignUserRole, listUserRoles} from "@/api/system/permission";
-import {listSimpleRoles} from "@/api/system/role";
-export default {
- name: "User",
- components: { Treeselect },
- data() {
- return {
- // 遮罩层
- loading: true,
- // 显示搜索条件
- showSearch: true,
- // 总条数
- total: 0,
- // 用户表格数据
- userList: null,
- // 弹出层标题
- title: "",
- // 部门树选项
- deptOptions: undefined,
- // 是否显示弹出层
- open: false,
- // 部门名称
- deptName: undefined,
- // 默认密码
- initPassword: undefined,
- // 日期范围
- dateRange: [],
- // 状态数据字典
- statusOptions: [],
- // 性别状态字典
- sexOptions: [],
- // 岗位选项
- postOptions: [],
- // 角色选项
- roleOptions: [],
- // 表单参数
- form: {},
- defaultProps: {
- children: "children",
- label: "name"
- },
- // 用户导入参数
- upload: {
- // 是否显示弹出层(用户导入)
- open: false,
- // 弹出层标题(用户导入)
- title: "",
- // 是否禁用上传
- isUploading: false,
- // 是否更新已经存在的用户数据
- updateSupport: 0,
- // 设置上传的请求头部
- headers: { Authorization: "Bearer " + getToken() },
- // 上传的地址
- url: process.env.VUE_APP_BASE_API + '/api/' + "/system/user/import"
- },
- // 查询参数
- queryParams: {
- pageNo: 1,
- pageSize: 10,
- username: undefined,
- mobile: undefined,
- status: undefined,
- deptId: undefined
- },
- // 表单校验
- rules: {
- username: [
- { required: true, message: "用户名称不能为空", trigger: "blur" }
- ],
- nickname: [
- { required: true, message: "用户昵称不能为空", trigger: "blur" }
- ],
- password: [
- { required: true, message: "用户密码不能为空", trigger: "blur" }
- ],
- email: [
- {
- type: "email",
- message: "'请输入正确的邮箱地址",
- trigger: ["blur", "change"]
- }
- ],
- mobile: [
- {
- pattern: /^1[3|4|5|6|7|8|9][0-9]\d{8}$/,
- message: "请输入正确的手机号码",
- trigger: "blur"
- }
- ]
- },
- // 是否显示弹出层(角色权限)
- openRole: false,
- // 枚举
- SysCommonStatusEnum: SysCommonStatusEnum,
- // 数据字典
- statusDictDatas: getDictDatas(DICT_TYPE.SYS_COMMON_STATUS),
- sexDictDatas: getDictDatas(DICT_TYPE.SYS_USER_SEX),
- };
- },
- watch: {
- // 根据名称筛选部门树
- deptName(val) {
- this.$refs.tree.filter(val);
- }
- },
- created() {
- this.getList();
- this.getTreeselect();
- this.getConfigKey("sys.user.initPassword").then(response => {
- this.initPassword = response.msg;
- });
- },
- methods: {
- /** 查询用户列表 */
- getList() {
- this.loading = true;
- listUser(this.addDateRange(this.queryParams, [
- this.dateRange[0] ? this.dateRange[0] + ' 00:00:00' : undefined,
- this.dateRange[1] ? this.dateRange[1] + ' 23:59:59' : undefined,
- ])).then(response => {
- this.userList = response.data.list;
- this.total = response.data.total;
- this.loading = false;
- }
- );
- },
- /** 查询部门下拉树结构 + 岗位下拉 */
- getTreeselect() {
- listSimpleDepts().then(response => {
- // 处理 deptOptions 参数
- this.deptOptions = [];
- this.deptOptions.push(...this.handleTree(response.data, "id"));
- });
- listSimplePosts().then(response => {
- // 处理 postOptions 参数
- this.postOptions = [];
- this.postOptions.push(...response.data);
- });
- },
- // 筛选节点
- filterNode(value, data) {
- if (!value) return true;
- return data.name.indexOf(value) !== -1;
- },
- // 节点单击事件
- handleNodeClick(data) {
- this.queryParams.deptId = data.id;
- this.getList();
- },
- // 用户状态修改
- handleStatusChange(row) {
- let text = row.status === SysCommonStatusEnum.ENABLE ? "启用" : "停用";
- this.$confirm('确认要"' + text + '""' + row.username + '"用户吗?', "警告", {
- confirmButtonText: "确定",
- cancelButtonText: "取消",
- type: "warning"
- }).then(function() {
- return changeUserStatus(row.id, row.status);
- }).then(() => {
- this.msgSuccess(text + "成功");
- }).catch(function() {
- row.status = row.status === SysCommonStatusEnum.ENABLE ? SysCommonStatusEnum.DISABLE
- : SysCommonStatusEnum.ENABLE;
- });
- },
- // 取消按钮
- cancel() {
- this.open = false;
- this.reset();
- },
- // 取消按钮(角色权限)
- cancelRole() {
- this.openRole = false;
- this.reset();
- },
- // 表单重置
- reset() {
- this.form = {
- id: undefined,
- deptId: undefined,
- username: undefined,
- nickname: undefined,
- password: undefined,
- mobile: undefined,
- email: undefined,
- sex: undefined,
- status: "0",
- remark: undefined,
- postIds: [],
- roleIds: []
- };
- this.resetForm("form");
- },
- /** 搜索按钮操作 */
- handleQuery() {
- this.queryParams.pageNo = 1;
- this.getList();
- },
- /** 重置按钮操作 */
- resetQuery() {
- this.dateRange = [];
- this.resetForm("queryForm");
- this.handleQuery();
- },
- /** 新增按钮操作 */
- handleAdd() {
- this.reset();
- // 获得下拉数据
- this.getTreeselect();
- // 打开表单,并设置初始化
- this.open = true;
- this.title = "添加用户";
- this.form.password = this.initPassword;
- },
- /** 修改按钮操作 */
- handleUpdate(row) {
- this.reset();
- this.getTreeselect();
- const id = row.id;
- getUser(id).then(response => {
- this.form = response.data;
- this.open = true;
- this.title = "修改用户";
- this.form.password = "";
- });
- },
- /** 重置密码按钮操作 */
- handleResetPwd(row) {
- this.$prompt('请输入"' + row.username + '"的新密码', "提示", {
- confirmButtonText: "确定",
- cancelButtonText: "取消"
- }).then(({ value }) => {
- resetUserPwd(row.id, value).then(response => {
- this.msgSuccess("修改成功,新密码是:" + value);
- });
- }).catch(() => {});
- },
- /** 分配用户角色操作 */
- handleRole(row) {
- this.reset();
- const id = row.id
- // 处理了 form 的用户 username 和 nickname 的展示
- this.form.id = id;
- this.form.username = row.username;
- this.form.nickname = row.nickname;
- // 打开弹窗
- this.openRole = true;
- // 获得角色列表
- listSimpleRoles().then(response => {
- // 处理 roleOptions 参数
- this.roleOptions = [];
- this.roleOptions.push(...response.data);
- });
- // 获得角色拥有的菜单集合
- listUserRoles(id).then(response => {
- // 设置选中
- this.form.roleIds = response.data;
- })
- },
- /** 提交按钮 */
- submitForm: function() {
- this.$refs["form"].validate(valid => {
- if (valid) {
- if (this.form.id !== undefined) {
- updateUser(this.form).then(response => {
- this.msgSuccess("修改成功");
- this.open = false;
- this.getList();
- });
- } else {
- addUser(this.form).then(response => {
- this.msgSuccess("新增成功");
- this.open = false;
- this.getList();
- });
- }
- }
- });
- },
- /** 提交按钮(角色权限) */
- submitRole: function() {
- if (this.form.id !== undefined) {
- assignUserRole({
- userId: this.form.id,
- roleIds: this.form.roleIds,
- }).then(response => {
- this.msgSuccess("分配角色成功");
- this.openRole = false;
- this.getList();
- });
- }
- },
- /** 删除按钮操作 */
- handleDelete(row) {
- const ids = row.id || this.ids;
- this.$confirm('是否确认删除用户编号为"' + ids + '"的数据项?', "警告", {
- confirmButtonText: "确定",
- cancelButtonText: "取消",
- type: "warning"
- }).then(function() {
- return delUser(ids);
- }).then(() => {
- this.getList();
- this.msgSuccess("删除成功");
- })
- },
- /** 导出按钮操作 */
- handleExport() {
- const queryParams = this.addDateRange(this.queryParams, [
- this.dateRange[0] ? this.dateRange[0] + ' 00:00:00' : undefined,
- this.dateRange[1] ? this.dateRange[1] + ' 23:59:59' : undefined,
- ]);
- this.$confirm('是否确认导出所有用户数据项?', "警告", {
- confirmButtonText: "确定",
- cancelButtonText: "取消",
- type: "warning"
- }).then(function() {
- return exportUser(queryParams);
- }).then(response => {
- this.downloadExcel(response, '用户数据.xls');
- })
- },
- /** 导入按钮操作 */
- handleImport() {
- this.upload.title = "用户导入";
- this.upload.open = true;
- },
- /** 下载模板操作 */
- importTemplate() {
- importTemplate().then(response => {
- this.downloadExcel(response, '用户导入模板.xls');
- });
- },
- // 文件上传中处理
- handleFileUploadProgress(event, file, fileList) {
- this.upload.isUploading = true;
- },
- // 文件上传成功处理
- handleFileSuccess(response, file, fileList) {
- this.upload.open = false;
- this.upload.isUploading = false;
- this.$refs.upload.clearFiles();
- // 拼接提示语
- let data = response.data;
- let text = '创建成功数量:' + data.createUsernames.length;
- for (const username of data.createUsernames) {
- text += '<br /> ' + username;
- }
- text += '<br />更新成功数量:' + data.updateUsernames.length;
- for (const username of data.updateUsernames) {
- text += '<br /> ' + username;
- }
- text += '<br />更新失败数量:' + Object.keys(data.failureUsernames).length;
- for (const username in data.failureUsernames) {
- text += '<br /> ' + username + ':' + data.failureUsernames[username];
- }
- this.$alert(text, "导入结果", { dangerouslyUseHTMLString: true });
- this.getList();
- },
- // 提交上传文件
- submitFileForm() {
- this.$refs.upload.submit();
- },
- // 格式化部门的下拉框
- normalizer(node) {
- return {
- id: node.id,
- label: node.name,
- children: node.children
- }
- }
- }
+ <div class="app-container">
+ <el-row :gutter="20">
+ <!--部门数据-->
+ <el-col :span="4" :xs="24">
+ <div class="head-container">
+ <el-input
+ v-model="deptName"
+ placeholder="请输入部门名称"
+ clearable
+ size="small"
+ prefix-icon="el-icon-search"
+ style="margin-bottom: 20px"
+ />
+ </div>
+ <div class="head-container">
+ <el-tree
+ :data="deptOptions"
+ :props="defaultProps"
+ :expand-on-click-node="false"
+ :filter-node-method="filterNode"
+ ref="tree"
+ default-expand-all
+ @node-click="handleNodeClick"
+ />
+ </div>
+ </el-col>
+ <!--用户数据-->
+ <el-col :span="20" :xs="24">
+ <el-form :model="queryParams" ref="queryForm" :inline="true" v-show="showSearch" label-width="68px">
+ <el-form-item label="用户名称" prop="username">
+ <el-input
+ v-model="queryParams.username"
+ placeholder="请输入用户名称"
+ clearable
+ size="small"
+ style="width: 240px"
+ @keyup.enter.native="handleQuery"
+ />
+ </el-form-item>
+ <el-form-item label="手机号码" prop="mobile">
+ <el-input
+ v-model="queryParams.mobile"
+ placeholder="请输入手机号码"
+ clearable
+ size="small"
+ style="width: 240px"
+ @keyup.enter.native="handleQuery"
+ />
+ </el-form-item>
+ <el-form-item label="状态" prop="status">
+ <el-select
+ v-model="queryParams.status"
+ placeholder="用户状态"
+ clearable
+ size="small"
+ style="width: 240px"
+ >
+ <el-option
+ v-for="dict in statusDictDatas"
+ :key="parseInt(dict.value)"
+ :label="dict.label"
+ :value="parseInt(dict.value)"
+ />
+ </el-select>
+ </el-form-item>
+ <el-form-item label="创建时间">
+ <el-date-picker
+ v-model="dateRange"
+ size="small"
+ style="width: 240px"
+ value-format="yyyy-MM-dd"
+ type="daterange"
+ range-separator="-"
+ start-placeholder="开始日期"
+ end-placeholder="结束日期"
+ ></el-date-picker>
+ </el-form-item>
+ <el-form-item>
+ <el-button type="cyan" icon="el-icon-search" size="mini" @click="handleQuery">搜索</el-button>
+ <el-button icon="el-icon-refresh" size="mini" @click="resetQuery">重置</el-button>
+ </el-form-item>
+ </el-form>
+ <el-row :gutter="10" class="mb8">
+ <el-col :span="1.5">
+ <el-button
+ type="primary"
+ icon="el-icon-plus"
+ size="mini"
+ @click="handleAdd"
+ v-hasPermi="['system:user:add']"
+ >新增</el-button>
+ </el-col>
+ <el-col :span="1.5">
+ <el-button
+ type="info"
+ icon="el-icon-upload2"
+ size="mini"
+ @click="handleImport"
+ v-hasPermi="['system:user:import']"
+ >导入</el-button>
+ </el-col>
+ <el-col :span="1.5">
+ <el-button
+ type="warning"
+ icon="el-icon-download"
+ size="mini"
+ @click="handleExport"
+ v-hasPermi="['system:user:export']"
+ >导出</el-button>
+ </el-col>
+ <right-toolbar :showSearch.sync="showSearch" @queryTable="getList"></right-toolbar>
+ </el-row>
+ <el-table v-loading="loading" :data="userList">
+ <el-table-column label="用户编号" align="center" prop="id" />
+ <el-table-column label="用户名称" align="center" prop="username" :show-overflow-tooltip="true" />
+ <el-table-column label="用户昵称" align="center" prop="nickname" :show-overflow-tooltip="true" />
+ <el-table-column label="部门" align="center" prop="dept.name" :show-overflow-tooltip="true" />
+ <el-table-column label="手机号码" align="center" prop="mobile" width="120" />
+ <el-table-column label="状态" align="center">
+ <template slot-scope="scope">
+ <el-switch
+ v-model="scope.row.status"
+ :active-value="0"
+ :inactive-value="1"
+ @change="handleStatusChange(scope.row)"
+ ></el-switch>
+ </template>
+ </el-table-column>
+ <el-table-column label="创建时间" align="center" prop="createTime" width="160">
+ <template slot-scope="scope">
+ <span>{{ parseTime(scope.row.createTime) }}</span>
+ </template>
+ </el-table-column>
+ <el-table-column
+ label="操作"
+ align="center"
+ width="160"
+ class-name="small-padding fixed-width"
+ >
+ <template slot-scope="scope">
+ <el-button
+ size="large"
+ type="text"
+ icon="el-icon-edit"
+ @click="handleUpdate(scope.row)"
+ v-hasPermi="['system:role:edit']"
+ >修改</el-button>
+ <el-dropdown @command="(command) => handleCommand(command, scope.$index, scope.row)">
+ <span class="el-dropdown-link">
+ 更多操作<i class="el-icon-arrow-down el-icon--right"></i>
+ </span>
+ <el-dropdown-menu slot="dropdown">
+ <el-dropdown-item
+ command="handleDelete"
+ v-if="scope.row.id !== 1"
+ size="mini"
+ type="text"
+ icon="el-icon-delete"
+ v-hasPermi="['system:user:remove']"
+ >删除</el-dropdown-item>
+ <el-dropdown-item
+ command="handleResetPwd"
+ size="mini"
+ type="text"
+ icon="el-icon-key"
+ v-hasPermi="['system:user:resetPwd']"
+ >重置</el-dropdown-item>
+ <el-dropdown-item
+ command="handleRole"
+ size="mini"
+ type="text"
+ icon="el-icon-circle-check"
+ v-hasPermi="['system:permission:assign-user-role']"
+ >分配角色</el-dropdown-item>
+ </el-dropdown-menu>
+ </el-dropdown>
+ </template>
+ </el-table-column>
+ </el-table>
+ <pagination
+ v-show="total>0"
+ :total="total"
+ :page.sync="queryParams.pageNo"
+ :limit.sync="queryParams.pageSize"
+ @pagination="getList"
+ />
+ </el-col>
+ </el-row>
+ <!-- 添加或修改参数配置对话框 -->
+ <el-dialog :title="title" :visible.sync="open" width="600px" append-to-body>
+ <el-form ref="form" :model="form" :rules="rules" label-width="80px">
+ <el-row>
+ <el-col :span="12">
+ <el-form-item label="用户昵称" prop="nickname">
+ <el-input v-model="form.nickname" placeholder="请输入用户昵称" />
+ </el-form-item>
+ </el-col>
+ <el-col :span="12">
+ <el-form-item label="归属部门" prop="deptId">
+ <treeselect v-model="form.deptId" :options="deptOptions" :show-count="true"
+ placeholder="请选择归属部门" :normalizer="normalizer"
+ />
+ </el-form-item>
+ </el-col>
+ </el-row>
+ <el-row>
+ <el-col :span="12">
+ <el-form-item label="手机号码" prop="mobile">
+ <el-input v-model="form.mobile" placeholder="请输入手机号码" maxlength="11" />
+ </el-form-item>
+ </el-col>
+ <el-col :span="12">
+ <el-form-item label="邮箱" prop="email">
+ <el-input v-model="form.email" placeholder="请输入邮箱" maxlength="50" />
+ </el-form-item>
+ </el-col>
+ </el-row>
+ <el-row>
+ <el-col :span="12">
+ <el-form-item v-if="form.id === undefined" label="用户名称" prop="username">
+ <el-input v-model="form.username" placeholder="请输入用户名称" />
+ </el-form-item>
+ </el-col>
+ <el-col :span="12">
+ <el-form-item v-if="form.id === undefined" label="用户密码" prop="password">
+ <el-input v-model="form.password" placeholder="请输入用户密码" type="password" />
+ </el-form-item>
+ </el-col>
+ </el-row>
+ <el-row>
+ <el-col :span="12">
+ <el-form-item label="用户性别">
+ <el-select v-model="form.sex" placeholder="请选择">
+ <el-option
+ v-for="dict in sexDictDatas"
+ :key="parseInt(dict.value)"
+ :label="dict.label"
+ :value="parseInt(dict.value)"
+ ></el-option>
+ </el-select>
+ </el-form-item>
+ </el-col>
+ <el-col :span="12">
+ <el-form-item label="岗位">
+ <el-select v-model="form.postIds" multiple placeholder="请选择">
+ <el-option
+ v-for="item in postOptions"
+ :key="item.id"
+ :label="item.name"
+ :value="item.id"
+ ></el-option>
+ </el-select>
+ </el-form-item>
+ </el-col>
+ </el-row>
+ <el-row>
+ <el-col :span="24">
+ <el-form-item label="备注">
+ <el-input v-model="form.remark" type="textarea" placeholder="请输入内容"></el-input>
+ </el-form-item>
+ </el-col>
+ </el-row>
+ </el-form>
+ <div slot="footer" class="dialog-footer">
+ <el-button type="primary" @click="submitForm">确 定</el-button>
+ <el-button @click="cancel">取 消</el-button>
+ </div>
+ </el-dialog>
+ <!-- 用户导入对话框 -->
+ <el-dialog :title="upload.title" :visible.sync="upload.open" width="400px" append-to-body>
+ <el-upload
+ ref="upload"
+ :limit="1"
+ accept=".xlsx, .xls"
+ :headers="upload.headers"
+ :action="upload.url + '?updateSupport=' + upload.updateSupport"
+ :disabled="upload.isUploading"
+ :on-progress="handleFileUploadProgress"
+ :on-success="handleFileSuccess"
+ :auto-upload="false"
+ drag
+ >
+ <i class="el-icon-upload"></i>
+ <div class="el-upload__text">
+ 将文件拖到此处,或
+ <em>点击上传</em>
+ </div>
+ <div class="el-upload__tip" slot="tip">
+ <el-checkbox v-model="upload.updateSupport" />是否更新已经存在的用户数据
+ <el-link type="info" style="font-size:12px" @click="importTemplate">下载模板</el-link>
+ </div>
+ <div class="el-upload__tip" style="color:red" slot="tip">提示:仅允许导入“xls”或“xlsx”格式文件!</div>
+ </el-upload>
+ <div slot="footer" class="dialog-footer">
+ <el-button type="primary" @click="submitFileForm">确 定</el-button>
+ <el-button @click="upload.open = false">取 消</el-button>
+ </div>
+ </el-dialog>
+ <!-- 分配角色 -->
+ <el-dialog title="分配角色" :visible.sync="openRole" width="500px" append-to-body>
+ <el-form :model="form" label-width="80px">
+ <el-form-item label="用户名称">
+ <el-input v-model="form.username" :disabled="true" />
+ </el-form-item>
+ <el-form-item label="用户昵称">
+ <el-input v-model="form.nickname" :disabled="true" />
+ </el-form-item>
+ <el-form-item label="角色">
+ <el-select v-model="form.roleIds" multiple placeholder="请选择">
+ <el-option
+ v-for="item in roleOptions"
+ :key="parseInt(item.id)"
+ :label="item.name"
+ :value="parseInt(item.id)"
+ ></el-option>
+ </el-select>
+ </el-form-item>
+ </el-form>
+ <div slot="footer" class="dialog-footer">
+ <el-button type="primary" @click="submitRole">确 定</el-button>
+ <el-button @click="cancelRole">取 消</el-button>
+ </div>
+ </el-dialog>
+ </div>
+import { listUser, getUser, delUser, addUser, updateUser, exportUser, resetUserPwd, changeUserStatus, importTemplate } from "@/api/system/user";
+import { getToken } from "@/utils/auth";
+import Treeselect from "@riophae/vue-treeselect";
+import "@riophae/vue-treeselect/dist/vue-treeselect.css";
+import {listSimpleDepts} from "@/api/system/dept";
+import {listSimplePosts} from "@/api/system/post";
+import {SysCommonStatusEnum} from "@/utils/constants";
+import {DICT_TYPE, getDictDatas} from "@/utils/dict";
+import {assignUserRole, listUserRoles} from "@/api/system/permission";
+import {listSimpleRoles} from "@/api/system/role";
+export default {
+ name: "User",
+ components: { Treeselect },
+ data() {
+ return {
+ // 遮罩层
+ loading: true,
+ // 显示搜索条件
+ showSearch: true,
+ // 总条数
+ total: 0,
+ // 用户表格数据
+ userList: null,
+ // 弹出层标题
+ title: "",
+ // 部门树选项
+ deptOptions: undefined,
+ // 是否显示弹出层
+ open: false,
+ // 部门名称
+ deptName: undefined,
+ // 默认密码
+ initPassword: undefined,
+ // 日期范围
+ dateRange: [],
+ // 状态数据字典
+ statusOptions: [],
+ // 性别状态字典
+ sexOptions: [],
+ // 岗位选项
+ postOptions: [],
+ // 角色选项
+ roleOptions: [],
+ // 表单参数
+ form: {},
+ defaultProps: {
+ children: "children",
+ label: "name"
+ },
+ // 用户导入参数
+ upload: {
+ // 是否显示弹出层(用户导入)
+ open: false,
+ // 弹出层标题(用户导入)
+ title: "",
+ // 是否禁用上传
+ isUploading: false,
+ // 是否更新已经存在的用户数据
+ updateSupport: 0,
+ // 设置上传的请求头部
+ headers: { Authorization: "Bearer " + getToken() },
+ // 上传的地址
+ url: process.env.VUE_APP_BASE_API + '/api/' + "/system/user/import"
+ },
+ // 查询参数
+ queryParams: {
+ pageNo: 1,
+ pageSize: 10,
+ username: undefined,
+ mobile: undefined,
+ status: undefined,
+ deptId: undefined
+ },
+ // 表单校验
+ rules: {
+ username: [
+ { required: true, message: "用户名称不能为空", trigger: "blur" }
+ ],
+ nickname: [
+ { required: true, message: "用户昵称不能为空", trigger: "blur" }
+ ],
+ password: [
+ { required: true, message: "用户密码不能为空", trigger: "blur" }
+ ],
+ email: [
+ {
+ type: "email",
+ message: "'请输入正确的邮箱地址",
+ trigger: ["blur", "change"]
+ }
+ ],
+ mobile: [
+ {
+ pattern: /^1[3|4|5|6|7|8|9][0-9]\d{8}$/,
+ message: "请输入正确的手机号码",
+ trigger: "blur"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ // 是否显示弹出层(角色权限)
+ openRole: false,
+ // 枚举
+ SysCommonStatusEnum: SysCommonStatusEnum,
+ // 数据字典
+ statusDictDatas: getDictDatas(DICT_TYPE.SYS_COMMON_STATUS),
+ sexDictDatas: getDictDatas(DICT_TYPE.SYS_USER_SEX),
+ };
+ },
+ watch: {
+ // 根据名称筛选部门树
+ deptName(val) {
+ this.$refs.tree.filter(val);
+ }
+ },
+ created() {
+ this.getList();
+ this.getTreeselect();
+ this.getConfigKey("sys.user.initPassword").then(response => {
+ this.initPassword = response.msg;
+ });
+ },
+ methods: {
+ // 更多操作
+ handleCommand(command, index, row) {
+ switch (command) {
+ case 'handleUpdate':
+ this.handleUpdate(row);//修改客户信息
+ break;
+ case 'handleDelete':
+ this.handleDelete(row);//红号变更
+ break;
+ case 'handleResetPwd':
+ this.handleResetPwd(row);
+ break;
+ case 'handleRole':
+ this.handleRole(row);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ },
+ /** 查询用户列表 */
+ getList() {
+ this.loading = true;
+ listUser(this.addDateRange(this.queryParams, [
+ this.dateRange[0] ? this.dateRange[0] + ' 00:00:00' : undefined,
+ this.dateRange[1] ? this.dateRange[1] + ' 23:59:59' : undefined,
+ ])).then(response => {
+ this.userList = response.data.list;
+ this.total = response.data.total;
+ this.loading = false;
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ /** 查询部门下拉树结构 + 岗位下拉 */
+ getTreeselect() {
+ listSimpleDepts().then(response => {
+ // 处理 deptOptions 参数
+ this.deptOptions = [];
+ this.deptOptions.push(...this.handleTree(response.data, "id"));
+ });
+ listSimplePosts().then(response => {
+ // 处理 postOptions 参数
+ this.postOptions = [];
+ this.postOptions.push(...response.data);
+ });
+ },
+ // 筛选节点
+ filterNode(value, data) {
+ if (!value) return true;
+ return data.name.indexOf(value) !== -1;
+ },
+ // 节点单击事件
+ handleNodeClick(data) {
+ this.queryParams.deptId = data.id;
+ this.getList();
+ },
+ // 用户状态修改
+ handleStatusChange(row) {
+ let text = row.status === SysCommonStatusEnum.ENABLE ? "启用" : "停用";
+ this.$confirm('确认要"' + text + '""' + row.username + '"用户吗?', "警告", {
+ confirmButtonText: "确定",
+ cancelButtonText: "取消",
+ type: "warning"
+ }).then(function() {
+ return changeUserStatus(row.id, row.status);
+ }).then(() => {
+ this.msgSuccess(text + "成功");
+ }).catch(function() {
+ row.status = row.status === SysCommonStatusEnum.ENABLE ? SysCommonStatusEnum.DISABLE
+ : SysCommonStatusEnum.ENABLE;
+ });
+ },
+ // 取消按钮
+ cancel() {
+ this.open = false;
+ this.reset();
+ },
+ // 取消按钮(角色权限)
+ cancelRole() {
+ this.openRole = false;
+ this.reset();
+ },
+ // 表单重置
+ reset() {
+ this.form = {
+ id: undefined,
+ deptId: undefined,
+ username: undefined,
+ nickname: undefined,
+ password: undefined,
+ mobile: undefined,
+ email: undefined,
+ sex: undefined,
+ status: "0",
+ remark: undefined,
+ postIds: [],
+ roleIds: []
+ };
+ this.resetForm("form");
+ },
+ /** 搜索按钮操作 */
+ handleQuery() {
+ this.queryParams.pageNo = 1;
+ this.getList();
+ },
+ /** 重置按钮操作 */
+ resetQuery() {
+ this.dateRange = [];
+ this.resetForm("queryForm");
+ this.handleQuery();
+ },
+ /** 新增按钮操作 */
+ handleAdd() {
+ this.reset();
+ // 获得下拉数据
+ this.getTreeselect();
+ // 打开表单,并设置初始化
+ this.open = true;
+ this.title = "添加用户";
+ this.form.password = this.initPassword;
+ },
+ /** 修改按钮操作 */
+ handleUpdate(row) {
+ this.reset();
+ this.getTreeselect();
+ const id = row.id;
+ getUser(id).then(response => {
+ this.form = response.data;
+ this.open = true;
+ this.title = "修改用户";
+ this.form.password = "";
+ });
+ },
+ /** 重置密码按钮操作 */
+ handleResetPwd(row) {
+ this.$prompt('请输入"' + row.username + '"的新密码', "提示", {
+ confirmButtonText: "确定",
+ cancelButtonText: "取消"
+ }).then(({ value }) => {
+ resetUserPwd(row.id, value).then(response => {
+ this.msgSuccess("修改成功,新密码是:" + value);
+ });
+ }).catch(() => {});
+ },
+ /** 分配用户角色操作 */
+ handleRole(row) {
+ this.reset();
+ const id = row.id
+ // 处理了 form 的用户 username 和 nickname 的展示
+ this.form.id = id;
+ this.form.username = row.username;
+ this.form.nickname = row.nickname;
+ // 打开弹窗
+ this.openRole = true;
+ // 获得角色列表
+ listSimpleRoles().then(response => {
+ // 处理 roleOptions 参数
+ this.roleOptions = [];
+ this.roleOptions.push(...response.data);
+ });
+ // 获得角色拥有的菜单集合
+ listUserRoles(id).then(response => {
+ // 设置选中
+ this.form.roleIds = response.data;
+ })
+ },
+ /** 提交按钮 */
+ submitForm: function() {
+ this.$refs["form"].validate(valid => {
+ if (valid) {
+ if (this.form.id !== undefined) {
+ updateUser(this.form).then(response => {
+ this.msgSuccess("修改成功");
+ this.open = false;
+ this.getList();
+ });
+ } else {
+ addUser(this.form).then(response => {
+ this.msgSuccess("新增成功");
+ this.open = false;
+ this.getList();
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ /** 提交按钮(角色权限) */
+ submitRole: function() {
+ if (this.form.id !== undefined) {
+ assignUserRole({
+ userId: this.form.id,
+ roleIds: this.form.roleIds,
+ }).then(response => {
+ this.msgSuccess("分配角色成功");
+ this.openRole = false;
+ this.getList();
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ /** 删除按钮操作 */
+ handleDelete(row) {
+ const ids = row.id || this.ids;
+ this.$confirm('是否确认删除用户编号为"' + ids + '"的数据项?', "警告", {
+ confirmButtonText: "确定",
+ cancelButtonText: "取消",
+ type: "warning"
+ }).then(function() {
+ return delUser(ids);
+ }).then(() => {
+ this.getList();
+ this.msgSuccess("删除成功");
+ })
+ },
+ /** 导出按钮操作 */
+ handleExport() {
+ const queryParams = this.addDateRange(this.queryParams, [
+ this.dateRange[0] ? this.dateRange[0] + ' 00:00:00' : undefined,
+ this.dateRange[1] ? this.dateRange[1] + ' 23:59:59' : undefined,
+ ]);
+ this.$confirm('是否确认导出所有用户数据项?', "警告", {
+ confirmButtonText: "确定",
+ cancelButtonText: "取消",
+ type: "warning"
+ }).then(function() {
+ return exportUser(queryParams);
+ }).then(response => {
+ this.downloadExcel(response, '用户数据.xls');
+ })
+ },
+ /** 导入按钮操作 */
+ handleImport() {
+ this.upload.title = "用户导入";
+ this.upload.open = true;
+ },
+ /** 下载模板操作 */
+ importTemplate() {
+ importTemplate().then(response => {
+ this.downloadExcel(response, '用户导入模板.xls');
+ });
+ },
+ // 文件上传中处理
+ handleFileUploadProgress(event, file, fileList) {
+ this.upload.isUploading = true;
+ },
+ // 文件上传成功处理
+ handleFileSuccess(response, file, fileList) {
+ this.upload.open = false;
+ this.upload.isUploading = false;
+ this.$refs.upload.clearFiles();
+ // 拼接提示语
+ let data = response.data;
+ let text = '创建成功数量:' + data.createUsernames.length;
+ for (const username of data.createUsernames) {
+ text += '<br /> ' + username;
+ }
+ text += '<br />更新成功数量:' + data.updateUsernames.length;
+ for (const username of data.updateUsernames) {
+ text += '<br /> ' + username;
+ }
+ text += '<br />更新失败数量:' + Object.keys(data.failureUsernames).length;
+ for (const username in data.failureUsernames) {
+ text += '<br /> ' + username + ':' + data.failureUsernames[username];
+ }
+ this.$alert(text, "导入结果", { dangerouslyUseHTMLString: true });
+ this.getList();
+ },
+ // 提交上传文件
+ submitFileForm() {
+ this.$refs.upload.submit();
+ },
+ // 格式化部门的下拉框
+ normalizer(node) {
+ return {
+ id: node.id,
+ label: node.name,
+ children: node.children
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ .el-dropdown-link {
+ cursor: pointer;
+ color: #1890ff;
+ margin-left: 5px;
+ }
+ .el-icon-arrow-down {
+ font-size: 14px;
+ }