@@ -0,0 +1,636 @@
+# encoding=utf8
+Author: dhb52 (https://gitee.com/dhb52)
+pip install simple-ddl-parser
+import pathlib
+import re
+import time
+from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
+from typing import Dict, Tuple
+from simple_ddl_parser import DDLParser
+PREAMBLE = """/*
+ Yudao Database Transfer Tool
+ Source Server Type : MySQL
+ Target Server Type : {db_type}
+ Date: {date}
+def load_and_clean(sql_file: str) -> str:
+ """加载源 SQL 文件,并清理内容方便下一步 ddl 解析
+ Args:
+ sql_file (str): sql文件路径
+ Returns:
+ str: 清理后的sql文件内容
+ """
+ (" CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci ", " "),
+ (" KEY `", " INDEX `"),
+ ("b'0'", "'0'"),
+ ("b'1'", "'1'"),
+ )
+ content = open(sql_file).read()
+ for replace_pair in REPLACE_PAIR_LIST:
+ content = content.replace(*replace_pair)
+ content = re.sub(r"ENGINE.*COMMENT", "COMMENT", content)
+ content = re.sub(r"ENGINE.*;", ";", content)
+ return content
+class Convertor(ABC):
+ def __init__(self, src: str, db_type) -> None:
+ self.src = src
+ self.db_type = db_type
+ self.content = load_and_clean(self.src)
+ self.table_script_list = re.findall(r"CREATE TABLE [^;]*;", self.content)
+ @abstractmethod
+ def translate_type(self, type: str, size: None | int | Tuple[int]) -> str:
+ """字段类型转换
+ Args:
+ type (str): 字段类型
+ size (None | int | Tuple[int]): 字段长度描述, 如varchar(255), decimal(10,2)
+ Returns:
+ str: 类型定义
+ """
+ pass
+ @abstractmethod
+ def gen_create(self, table_ddl: Dict) -> str:
+ """生成 create 脚本
+ Args:
+ table_ddl (Dict): 表DDL
+ Returns:
+ str: 生成脚本
+ """
+ pass
+ @abstractmethod
+ def gen_pk(self, table_name: str) -> str:
+ """生成主键定义
+ Args:
+ table_name (str): 表名
+ Returns:
+ str: 生成脚本
+ """
+ pass
+ @abstractmethod
+ def gen_index(self, table_ddl: Dict) -> str:
+ """生成索引定义
+ Args:
+ table_ddl (Dict): 表DDL
+ Returns:
+ str: 生成脚本
+ """
+ pass
+ @abstractmethod
+ def gen_comment(self, table_sql: str, table_name: str) -> str:
+ """生成字段/表注释
+ Args:
+ table_sql (str): 原始表SQL
+ table_name (str): 表名
+ Returns:
+ str: 生成脚本
+ """
+ pass
+ @abstractmethod
+ def gen_insert(self, table_name: str) -> str:
+ """生成 insert 语句块
+ Args:
+ table_name (str): 表名
+ Returns:
+ str: 生成脚本
+ """
+ pass
+ def print(self):
+ """打印转换后的sql脚本到终端"""
+ print(
+ PREAMBLE.format(
+ db_type=self.db_type,
+ date=time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
+ )
+ )
+ error_scripts = []
+ for table_sql in self.table_script_list:
+ ddl = DDLParser(table_sql.replace("`", "")).run()
+ # 如果parse失败, 需要跟进
+ if len(ddl) == 0:
+ error_scripts.append(table_sql)
+ continue
+ table_ddl = ddl[0]
+ table_name = table_ddl["table_name"]
+ # 忽略 quartz 的内容
+ if table_name.lower().startswith("qrtz"):
+ continue
+ # 为每个表生成个5个基本部分
+ create = self.gen_create(table_ddl)
+ pk = self.gen_pk(table_name)
+ index = self.gen_index(table_ddl)
+ comment = self.gen_comment(table_sql, table_name)
+ inserts = self.gen_insert(table_name)
+ # 组合当前表的DDL脚本
+ script = f"""{create}
+ # 清理
+ script = re.sub("\n{3,}", "\n\n", script).strip() + "\n"
+ print(script)
+ # 将parse失败的脚本打印出来
+ if error_scripts:
+ for script in error_scripts:
+ print(script)
+class PostgreSQLConvertor(Convertor):
+ def __init__(self, src):
+ super().__init__(src, "PostgreSQL")
+ def translate_type(self, type, size):
+ """类型转换"""
+ type = type.lower()
+ if type == "varchar":
+ return f"varchar({size})"
+ if type == "int":
+ return "int4"
+ if type == "bigint" or type == "bigint unsigned":
+ return "int8"
+ if type == "datetime":
+ return "timestamp"
+ if type == "bit":
+ return "bool"
+ if type in ("tinyint", "smallint"):
+ return "int2"
+ if type == "text":
+ return "text"
+ if type in ("blob", "mediumblob"):
+ return "bytea"
+ if type == "decimal":
+ return (
+ f"numeric({','.join(str(s) for s in size)})" if len(size) else "numeric"
+ )
+ def gen_create(self, ddl: Dict) -> str:
+ """生成 create"""
+ def _generate_column(col):
+ name = col["name"].lower()
+ if name == "deleted":
+ return "deleted int2 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"
+ type = col["type"].lower()
+ full_type = self.translate_type(type, col["size"])
+ nullable = "NULL" if col["nullable"] else "NOT NULL"
+ default = f"DEFAULT {col['default']}" if col["default"] is not None else ""
+ return f"{name} {full_type} {nullable} {default}"
+ table_name = ddl["table_name"].lower()
+ columns = [f"{_generate_column(col).strip()}" for col in ddl["columns"]]
+ script = f"""-- ----------------------------
+-- Table structure for {table_name}
+-- ----------------------------
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {table_name};
+CREATE TABLE {table_name} (
+ {',\n '.join(columns)}
+ return script
+ def gen_comment(self, table_sql, table_name) -> str:
+ """生成字段及表的注释"""
+ script = ""
+ for line in table_sql.split("\n"):
+ match = re.match(r"^`([^`]+)`.* COMMENT '([^']+)'", line.strip())
+ if match:
+ script += f"COMMENT ON COLUMN {table_name}.{match.group(1)} IS '{match.group(2).replace('\\n', '\n')}';\n"
+ match = re.search(r"COMMENT \= '([^']+)';", table_sql)
+ table_comment = match.group(1) if match else None
+ if table_comment:
+ script += f"COMMENT ON TABLE {table_name} IS '{table_comment}';\n"
+ return script
+ def gen_pk(self, table_name) -> str:
+ """生成主键定义"""
+ return f"ALTER TABLE {table_name} ADD CONSTRAINT pk_{table_name} PRIMARY KEY (id);\n"
+ def gen_index(self, ddl) -> str:
+ """生成 index"""
+ def generate_columns(columns):
+ keys = [
+ f"{col['name'].lower()}{" " + col['order'].lower() if col['order'] != 'ASC' else ''}"
+ for col in columns[0]
+ ]
+ return ", ".join(keys)
+ script = ""
+ for no, index in enumerate(ddl["index"], 1):
+ columns = generate_columns(index["columns"])
+ table_name = ddl["table_name"].lower()
+ script += (
+ f"CREATE INDEX idx_{table_name}_{no:02d} ON {table_name} ({columns});\n"
+ )
+ return script
+ def gen_insert(self, table_name) -> str:
+ """生成 insert 语句,以及根据最后的 insert id+1 生成 Sequence"""
+ PREFIX = f"INSERT INTO `{table_name}`"
+ # 收集 `table_name` 对应的 insert 语句
+ inserts = []
+ for line in self.content.split("\n"):
+ if line.startswith(PREFIX):
+ head, tail = line.replace(PREFIX, "").split(" VALUES ", maxsplit=1)
+ head = head.strip().replace("`", "").lower()
+ tail = tail.strip().replace(r"\"", '"')
+ script = f"INSERT INTO {table_name.lower()} {head} VALUES {tail}"
+ # bit(1)数据转换
+ script = script.replace("b'0'", "'0'").replace("b'1'", "'1'")
+ inserts.append(script)
+ ## 生成 insert 脚本
+ script = ""
+ last_id = 0
+ if inserts:
+ script += f"""\n\n-- ----------------------------
+-- Records of {table_name.lower()}
+-- ----------------------------
+-- @formatter:off
+-- @formatter:on"""
+ match = re.search(r"VALUES \((\d+),", inserts[-1])
+ if match:
+ last_id = int(match.group(1))
+ # 生成 Sequence
+ script += (
+ "\n\n"
+ + f"""DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS {table_name}_seq;
+CREATE SEQUENCE {table_name}_seq
+ START {last_id + 1};"""
+ )
+ return script
+class OracleConvertor(Convertor):
+ def __init__(self, src):
+ super().__init__(src, "Oracle")
+ def translate_type(self, type, size: None | int | Tuple[int]):
+ """类型转换"""
+ type = type.lower()
+ if type == "varchar":
+ return f"varchar2({size if size < 4000 else 4000})"
+ if type == "int":
+ return "number"
+ if type == "bigint" or type == "bigint unsigned":
+ return "number"
+ if type == "datetime":
+ return "date"
+ if type == "bit":
+ return "number(1,0)"
+ if type in ("tinyint", "smallint"):
+ return "smallint"
+ if type == "text":
+ return "clob"
+ if type in ("blob", "mediumblob"):
+ return "blob"
+ if type == "decimal":
+ return (
+ f"number({','.join(str(s) for s in size)})" if len(size) else "number"
+ )
+ def gen_create(self, ddl) -> str:
+ """生成 CREATE 语句"""
+ def generate_column(col):
+ name = col["name"].lower()
+ if name == "deleted":
+ return "deleted number(1,0) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL"
+ type = col["type"].lower()
+ full_type = self.translate_type(type, col["size"])
+ nullable = "NULL" if col["nullable"] else "NOT NULL"
+ default = f"DEFAULT {col['default']}" if col["default"] is not None else ""
+ return f"{'\"size\"' if name == "size" else name } {full_type} {default} {nullable}"
+ table_name = ddl["table_name"].lower()
+ columns = [f"{generate_column(col).strip()}" for col in ddl["columns"]]
+ script = f"""-- ----------------------------
+-- Table structure for {table_name}
+-- ----------------------------
+CREATE TABLE {ddl['table_name'].lower()} (
+ {',\n '.join(columns)}
+ # oracle INSERT '' 不能通过 NOT NULL 校验
+ script = script.replace("DEFAULT '' NOT NULL", "DEFAULT '' NULL")
+ return script
+ def gen_comment(self, table_sql, table_name) -> str:
+ script = ""
+ for line in table_sql.split("\n"):
+ match = re.search(r"`([^`]+)`.* COMMENT '([^']+)'", line)
+ if match:
+ script += f"COMMENT ON COLUMN {table_name}.{match.group(1)} IS '{match.group(2).replace('\\n', '\n')}';\n"
+ match = re.search(r"COMMENT \= '([^']+)';", table_sql)
+ table_comment = match.group(1) if match else None
+ if table_comment:
+ script += f"COMMENT ON TABLE {table_name} IS '{table_comment}';"
+ return script
+ def gen_pk(self, table_name) -> str:
+ """生成主键定义"""
+ return f"ALTER TABLE {table_name} ADD CONSTRAINT pk_{table_name} PRIMARY KEY (id);\n"
+ def gen_index(self, table_ddl) -> str:
+ """生成 INDEX 定义"""
+ def generate_columns(columns):
+ keys = [
+ f"{col['name'].lower()}{" " + col['order'].lower() if col['order'] != 'ASC' else ''}"
+ for col in columns[0]
+ ]
+ return ", ".join(keys)
+ script = ""
+ for no, index in enumerate(table_ddl["index"], 1):
+ columns = generate_columns(index["columns"])
+ table_name = table_ddl["table_name"].lower()
+ script += (
+ f"CREATE INDEX idx_{table_name}_{no:02d} ON {table_name} ({columns});\n"
+ )
+ return script
+ def gen_insert(self, table_name) -> str:
+ """拷贝 INSERT 语句"""
+ PREFIX = f"INSERT INTO `{table_name}`"
+ inserts = []
+ for line in self.content.split("\n"):
+ if line.startswith(PREFIX):
+ head, tail = line.replace(PREFIX, "").split(" VALUES ", maxsplit=1)
+ head = head.strip().replace("`", "").lower()
+ tail = tail.strip().replace(r"\"", '"')
+ script = f"INSERT INTO {table_name.lower()} {head} VALUES {tail}"
+ # bit(1)数据转换
+ script = script.replace("b'0'", "'0'").replace("b'1'", "'1'")
+ # 对日期数据添加 TO_DATE 转换
+ script = re.sub(
+ r"('\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}')",
+ r"to_date(\g<1>, 'SYYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')",
+ script,
+ )
+ inserts.append(script)
+ ## 生成 insert 脚本
+ script = ""
+ last_id = 0
+ if inserts:
+ script += f"""\n\n-- ----------------------------
+-- Records of {table_name.lower()}
+-- ----------------------------
+-- @formatter:off
+-- @formatter:on"""
+ match = re.search(r"VALUES \((\d+),", inserts[-1])
+ if match:
+ last_id = int(match.group(1))
+ # 生成 Sequence
+ script += f"""
+CREATE SEQUENCE {table_name}_seq
+ START WITH {last_id + 1};"""
+ return script
+class SQLServerConvertor(Convertor):
+ """_summary_
+ Args:
+ Convertor (_type_): _description_
+ """
+ def __init__(self, src):
+ super().__init__(src, "Microsoft SQL Server")
+ def translate_type(self, type, size):
+ """类型转换"""
+ type = type.lower()
+ if type == "varchar":
+ return f"nvarchar({size if size < 4000 else 4000})"
+ if type == "int":
+ return "int"
+ if type == "bigint" or type == "bigint unsigned":
+ return "bigint"
+ if type == "datetime":
+ return "datetime2"
+ if type == "bit":
+ return "varchar(1)"
+ if type in ("tinyint", "smallint"):
+ return "tinyint"
+ if type == "text":
+ return "nvarchar(max)"
+ if type in ("blob", "mediumblob"):
+ return "varbinary(max)"
+ if type == "decimal":
+ return (
+ f"numeric({','.join(str(s) for s in size)})" if len(size) else "numeric"
+ )
+ def gen_create(self, ddl: Dict) -> str:
+ """生成 create"""
+ def _generate_column(col):
+ name = col["name"].lower()
+ if name == 'id':
+ return "id bigint NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY IDENTITY"
+ if name == "deleted":
+ return "deleted bit DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL"
+ type = col["type"].lower()
+ full_type = self.translate_type(type, col["size"])
+ nullable = "NULL" if col["nullable"] else "NOT NULL"
+ default = f"DEFAULT {col['default']}" if col["default"] is not None else ""
+ return f"{name} {full_type} {default} {nullable}"
+ table_name = ddl["table_name"].lower()
+ columns = [f"{_generate_column(col).strip()}" for col in ddl["columns"]]
+ script = f"""-- ----------------------------
+-- Table structure for {table_name}
+-- ----------------------------
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {table_name};
+CREATE TABLE {table_name} (
+ {',\n '.join(columns)}
+ return script
+ def gen_comment(self, table_sql, table_name) -> str:
+ """生成字段及表的注释"""
+ script = ""
+ for line in table_sql.split("\n"):
+ match = re.match(r"^`([^`]+)`.* COMMENT '([^']+)'", line.strip())
+ if match:
+ script += f"""EXEC sp_addextendedproperty
+ 'MS_Description', N'{match.group(2).replace('\\n', '\n')}',
+ 'SCHEMA', N'dbo',
+ 'TABLE', N'{table_name}',
+ 'COLUMN', N'{match.group(1)}'
+ match = re.search(r"COMMENT \= '([^']+)';", table_sql)
+ table_comment = match.group(1) if match else None
+ if table_comment:
+ script += f"""EXEC sp_addextendedproperty
+ 'MS_Description', N'{table_comment}',
+ 'SCHEMA', N'dbo',
+ 'TABLE', N'{table_name}'
+ return script
+ def gen_pk(self, table_name) -> str:
+ """生成主键定义"""
+ return ""
+ def gen_index(self, ddl) -> str:
+ """生成 index"""
+ def generate_columns(columns):
+ keys = [
+ f"{col['name'].lower()}{" " + col['order'].lower() if col['order'] != 'ASC' else ''}"
+ for col in columns[0]
+ ]
+ return ", ".join(keys)
+ script = ""
+ for no, index in enumerate(ddl["index"], 1):
+ columns = generate_columns(index["columns"])
+ table_name = ddl["table_name"].lower()
+ script += f"CREATE INDEX idx_{table_name}_{no:02d} ON {table_name} ({columns})\nGO\n"
+ return script
+ def gen_insert(self, table_name) -> str:
+ """生成 insert 语句,以及根据最后的 insert id+1 生成 Sequence"""
+ PREFIX = f"INSERT INTO `{table_name}`"
+ # 收集 `table_name` 对应的 insert 语句
+ inserts = []
+ for line in self.content.split("\n"):
+ if line.startswith(PREFIX):
+ head, tail = line.replace(PREFIX, "").split(" VALUES ", maxsplit=1)
+ head = head.strip().replace("`", "").lower()
+ tail = tail.strip().replace(r"\"", '"')
+ # SQLServer: 字符串前加N,hack,是否存在替换字符串内容的风险
+ tail = tail.replace(", '", ", N'").replace("VALUES ('", "VALUES (N')")
+ script = f"INSERT INTO {table_name.lower()} {head} VALUES {tail}"
+ # bit(1)数据转换
+ script = script.replace("b'0'", "'0'").replace("b'1'", "'1'")
+ # 删除 insert 的结尾分号
+ script = re.sub(";$", r"\nGO", script)
+ inserts.append(script)
+ ## 生成 insert 脚本
+ script = ""
+ if inserts:
+ script += f"""\n\n-- ----------------------------
+-- Records of {table_name.lower()}
+-- ----------------------------
+-- @formatter:off
+SET IDENTITY_INSERT {table_name.lower()} ON
+SET IDENTITY_INSERT {table_name.lower()} OFF
+-- @formatter:on"""
+ return script
+def main():
+ sql_file = pathlib.Path('../mysql/ruoyi-vue-pro.sql').resolve().as_posix()
+ # convertor = PostgreSQLConvertor(sql_file)
+ # convertor = OracleConvertor(sql_file)
+ convertor = SQLServerConvertor(sql_file)
+ convertor.print()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()