@@ -4,142 +4,133 @@
<select id="selectCustomerCreateCountGroupByDate"
- DATE_FORMAT(create_time, '%Y-%m-%d') AS time,
- COUNT(*) AS customerCreateCount
- FROM crm_customer
- WHERE deleted = 0
- AND owner_user_id IN
- <foreach collection="userIds" item="userId" open="(" close=")" separator=",">
- #{userId}
- </foreach>
- AND create_time BETWEEN #{times[0],javaType=java.time.LocalDateTime} AND #{times[1],javaType=java.time.LocalDateTime}
- GROUP BY time
+ SELECT DATE_FORMAT(create_time, '%Y-%m-%d') AS time,
+ COUNT(*) AS customerCreateCount
+ FROM crm_customer
+ WHERE deleted = 0
+ AND owner_user_id IN
+ <foreach collection="userIds" item="userId" open="(" close=")" separator=",">
+ #{userId}
+ </foreach>
+ AND create_time BETWEEN #{times[0],javaType=java.time.LocalDateTime} AND #{times[1],javaType=java.time.LocalDateTime}
+ GROUP BY time
<select id="selectCustomerDealCountGroupByDate"
- DATE_FORMAT( order_date, '%Y-%m-%d' ) AS time,
- COUNT( DISTINCT customer_id ) AS customerDealCount
- FROM crm_contract
- WHERE deleted = 0
- AND audit_status = ${@cn.iocoder.yudao.module.crm.enums.common.CrmAuditStatusEnum@APPROVE.status}
- AND owner_user_id IN
- <foreach collection="userIds" item="userId" open="(" close=")" separator=",">
- #{userId}
- </foreach>
- AND create_time BETWEEN #{times[0],javaType=java.time.LocalDateTime} AND #{times[1],javaType=java.time.LocalDateTime}
+ SELECT DATE_FORMAT(order_date, '%Y-%m-%d') AS time,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT customer_id) AS customerDealCount
+ FROM crm_contract
+ WHERE deleted = 0
+ AND audit_status = ${@cn.iocoder.yudao.module.crm.enums.common.CrmAuditStatusEnum@APPROVE.status}
+ AND owner_user_id IN
+ <foreach collection="userIds" item="userId" open="(" close=")" separator=",">
+ #{userId}
+ </foreach>
+ AND create_time BETWEEN #{times[0],javaType=java.time.LocalDateTime} AND #{times[1],javaType=java.time.LocalDateTime}
<select id="selectCustomerCreateCountGroupByUser"
- owner_user_id,
- COUNT(1) AS customer_create_count
- FROM crm_customer
- WHERE deleted = 0
- AND owner_user_id in
- <foreach collection="userIds" item="userId" open="(" close=")" separator=",">
- #{userId}
- </foreach>
- AND create_time BETWEEN #{times[0],javaType=java.time.LocalDateTime} AND #{times[1],javaType=java.time.LocalDateTime}
- GROUP BY owner_user_id
+ SELECT owner_user_id,
+ COUNT(*) AS customer_create_count
+ FROM crm_customer
+ WHERE deleted = 0
+ AND owner_user_id in
+ <foreach collection="userIds" item="userId" open="(" close=")" separator=",">
+ #{userId}
+ </foreach>
+ AND create_time BETWEEN #{times[0],javaType=java.time.LocalDateTime} AND #{times[1],javaType=java.time.LocalDateTime}
+ GROUP BY owner_user_id
<select id="selectCustomerDealCountGroupByUser"
- customer.owner_user_id,
- COUNT( DISTINCT customer.id ) AS customer_deal_count
- FROM crm_customer AS customer
- LEFT JOIN crm_contract AS contract ON contract.customer_id = customer.id
- WHERE customer.deleted = 0 AND contract.deleted = 0
- AND contract.audit_status = ${@cn.iocoder.yudao.module.crm.enums.common.CrmAuditStatusEnum@APPROVE.status}
- AND customer.owner_user_id IN
- <foreach collection="userIds" item="userId" open="(" close=")" separator=",">
- #{userId}
- </foreach>
- AND contract.create_time BETWEEN #{times[0],javaType=java.time.LocalDateTime} AND #{times[1],javaType=java.time.LocalDateTime}
- GROUP BY customer.owner_user_id
+ SELECT customer.owner_user_id,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT customer.id) AS customer_deal_count
+ FROM crm_customer AS customer
+ LEFT JOIN crm_contract AS contract ON contract.customer_id = customer.id
+ WHERE customer.deleted = 0 AND contract.deleted = 0
+ AND contract.audit_status = ${@cn.iocoder.yudao.module.crm.enums.common.CrmAuditStatusEnum@APPROVE.status}
+ AND customer.owner_user_id IN
+ <foreach collection="userIds" item="userId" open="(" close=")" separator=",">
+ #{userId}
+ </foreach>
+ AND contract.create_time BETWEEN #{times[0],javaType=java.time.LocalDateTime} AND #{times[1],javaType=java.time.LocalDateTime}
+ GROUP BY customer.owner_user_id
<select id="selectContractPriceGroupByUser"
- owner_user_id,
- IFNULL(SUM(total_price), 0) AS contract_price
- FROM crm_contract
- WHERE deleted = 0
- AND audit_status = ${@cn.iocoder.yudao.module.crm.enums.common.CrmAuditStatusEnum@APPROVE.status}
- AND owner_user_id in
- <foreach collection="userIds" item="userId" open="(" close=")" separator=",">
- #{userId}
- </foreach>
- AND order_date BETWEEN #{times[0],javaType=java.time.LocalDateTime} AND #{times[1],javaType=java.time.LocalDateTime}
- GROUP BY owner_user_id
+ SELECT owner_user_id,
+ IFNULL(SUM(total_price), 0) AS contract_price
+ FROM crm_contract
+ WHERE deleted = 0
+ AND audit_status = ${@cn.iocoder.yudao.module.crm.enums.common.CrmAuditStatusEnum@APPROVE.status}
+ AND owner_user_id in
+ <foreach collection="userIds" item="userId" open="(" close=")" separator=",">
+ #{userId}
+ </foreach>
+ AND order_date BETWEEN #{times[0],javaType=java.time.LocalDateTime} AND #{times[1],javaType=java.time.LocalDateTime}
+ GROUP BY owner_user_id
<select id="selectReceivablePriceGroupByUser"
- owner_user_id,
- IFNULL(SUM(price), 0) AS receivable_price
- FROM crm_receivable
- WHERE deleted = 0
- AND audit_status = ${@cn.iocoder.yudao.module.crm.enums.common.CrmAuditStatusEnum@APPROVE.status}
- AND owner_user_id IN
- <foreach collection="userIds" item="userId" open="(" close=")" separator=",">
- #{userId}
- </foreach>
- AND return_time BETWEEN #{times[0],javaType=java.time.LocalDateTime} AND #{times[1],javaType=java.time.LocalDateTime}
- GROUP BY owner_user_id
+ SELECT owner_user_id,
+ IFNULL(SUM(price), 0) AS receivable_price
+ FROM crm_receivable
+ WHERE deleted = 0
+ AND audit_status = ${@cn.iocoder.yudao.module.crm.enums.common.CrmAuditStatusEnum@APPROVE.status}
+ AND owner_user_id IN
+ <foreach collection="userIds" item="userId" open="(" close=")" separator=",">
+ #{userId}
+ </foreach>
+ AND return_time BETWEEN #{times[0],javaType=java.time.LocalDateTime} AND #{times[1],javaType=java.time.LocalDateTime}
+ GROUP BY owner_user_id
<select id="selectFollowUpRecordCountGroupByDate"
- DATE_FORMAT( create_time, '%Y-%m-%d' ) AS time,
- COUNT(*) AS follow_up_record_count
- FROM crm_follow_up_record
- WHERE creator IN
- <foreach collection="userIds" item="userId" open="(" close=")" separator=",">
- #{userId}
- </foreach>
- AND create_time BETWEEN #{times[0],javaType=java.time.LocalDateTime} AND #{times[1],javaType=java.time.LocalDateTime}
- AND biz_type = ${@cn.iocoder.yudao.module.crm.enums.common.CrmBizTypeEnum@CRM_CUSTOMER.type}
- GROUP BY time
+ SELECT DATE_FORMAT(create_time, '%Y-%m-%d') AS time,
+ COUNT(*) AS follow_up_record_count
+ FROM crm_follow_up_record
+ WHERE creator IN
+ <foreach collection="userIds" item="userId" open="(" close=")" separator=",">
+ #{userId}
+ </foreach>
+ AND create_time BETWEEN #{times[0],javaType=java.time.LocalDateTime} AND #{times[1],javaType=java.time.LocalDateTime}
+ AND biz_type = ${@cn.iocoder.yudao.module.crm.enums.common.CrmBizTypeEnum@CRM_CUSTOMER.type}
+ GROUP BY time
<select id="selectFollowUpCustomerCountGroupByDate"
- DATE_FORMAT( create_time, '%Y-%m-%d' ) AS time,
- COUNT(DISTINCT biz_id) AS follow_up_customer_count
- FROM crm_follow_up_record
- WHERE creator IN
- <foreach collection="userIds" item="userId" open="(" close=")" separator=",">
- #{userId}
- </foreach>
- AND create_time BETWEEN #{times[0],javaType=java.time.LocalDateTime} AND #{times[1],javaType=java.time.LocalDateTime}
- AND biz_type = ${@cn.iocoder.yudao.module.crm.enums.common.CrmBizTypeEnum@CRM_CUSTOMER.type}
- GROUP BY time
+ SELECT DATE_FORMAT(create_time, '%Y-%m-%d') AS time,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT biz_id) AS follow_up_customer_count
+ FROM crm_follow_up_record
+ WHERE creator IN
+ <foreach collection="userIds" item="userId" open="(" close=")" separator=",">
+ #{userId}
+ </foreach>
+ AND create_time BETWEEN #{times[0],javaType=java.time.LocalDateTime} AND #{times[1],javaType=java.time.LocalDateTime}
+ AND biz_type = ${@cn.iocoder.yudao.module.crm.enums.common.CrmBizTypeEnum@CRM_CUSTOMER.type}
+ GROUP BY time
<select id="selectFollowUpRecordCountGroupByUser"
- creator as owner_user_id,
- COUNT(*) AS follow_up_record_count
- FROM crm_follow_up_record
- WHERE creator IN
- <foreach collection="userIds" item="userId" open="(" close=")" separator=",">
- #{userId}
- </foreach>
- AND create_time BETWEEN #{times[0],javaType=java.time.LocalDateTime} AND #{times[1],javaType=java.time.LocalDateTime}
- AND biz_type = ${@cn.iocoder.yudao.module.crm.enums.common.CrmBizTypeEnum@CRM_CUSTOMER.type}
- GROUP BY creator
+ SELECT creator as owner_user_id,
+ COUNT(*) AS follow_up_record_count
+ FROM crm_follow_up_record
+ WHERE creator IN
+ <foreach collection="userIds" item="userId" open="(" close=")" separator=",">
+ #{userId}
+ </foreach>
+ AND create_time BETWEEN #{times[0],javaType=java.time.LocalDateTime} AND #{times[1],javaType=java.time.LocalDateTime}
+ AND biz_type = ${@cn.iocoder.yudao.module.crm.enums.common.CrmBizTypeEnum@CRM_CUSTOMER.type}
+ GROUP BY creator
<select id="selectFollowUpCustomerCountGroupByUser"
@@ -159,74 +150,73 @@
<select id="selectFollowUpRecordCountGroupByType"
- type AS follow_up_type,
- COUNT(*) AS follow_up_record_count
- FROM crm_follow_up_record
- WHERE creator IN
- <foreach collection="userIds" item="userId" open="(" close=")" separator=",">
- #{userId}
- </foreach>
- AND create_time BETWEEN #{times[0],javaType=java.time.LocalDateTime} AND #{times[1],javaType=java.time.LocalDateTime}
- AND biz_type = ${@cn.iocoder.yudao.module.crm.enums.common.CrmBizTypeEnum@CRM_CUSTOMER.type}
- GROUP BY follow_up_type
+ SELECT type AS follow_up_type,
+ COUNT(*) AS follow_up_record_count
+ FROM crm_follow_up_record
+ WHERE creator IN
+ <foreach collection="userIds" item="userId" open="(" close=")" separator=",">
+ #{userId}
+ </foreach>
+ AND create_time BETWEEN #{times[0],javaType=java.time.LocalDateTime} AND #{times[1],javaType=java.time.LocalDateTime}
+ AND biz_type = ${@cn.iocoder.yudao.module.crm.enums.common.CrmBizTypeEnum@CRM_CUSTOMER.type}
+ GROUP BY follow_up_type
<select id="selectContractSummary"
- customer.name AS customer_name, customer.industry_id, customer.source, customer.owner_user_id, customer.creator,
- customer.create_time,
- contract.name AS contract_name, contract.total_price, contract.order_date,
- IFNULL( receivable.price, 0 ) AS receivable_price
- FROM crm_customer AS customer
- INNER JOIN crm_contract AS contract ON customer.id = contract.customer_id
- LEFT JOIN crm_receivable AS receivable ON contract.id = receivable.contract_id
- WHERE customer.deleted = 0 AND contract.deleted = 0 AND receivable.deleted = 0
- AND contract.audit_status = ${@cn.iocoder.yudao.module.crm.enums.common.CrmAuditStatusEnum@APPROVE.status}
- AND customer.owner_user_id IN
- <foreach collection="userIds" item="userId" open="(" close=")" separator=",">
- #{userId}
- </foreach>
- <!-- TODO @dhb52:应该是客户的创建时间;因为它的定位,是知道这个时间范围内创建的客户,是否下合同了(转化); -->
- AND contract.create_time BETWEEN #{times[0],javaType=java.time.LocalDateTime} AND #{times[1],javaType=java.time.LocalDateTime}
+ SELECT customer.name AS customer_name,
+ customer.industry_id,
+ customer.source,
+ customer.owner_user_id,
+ customer.creator,
+ customer.create_time,
+ contract.name AS contract_name,
+ contract.total_price,
+ contract.order_date,
+ IFNULL(receivable.price, 0) AS receivable_price
+ FROM crm_customer AS customer
+ INNER JOIN crm_contract AS contract ON customer.id = contract.customer_id
+ LEFT JOIN crm_receivable AS receivable ON contract.id = receivable.contract_id
+ WHERE customer.deleted = 0 AND contract.deleted = 0 AND receivable.deleted = 0
+ AND contract.audit_status = ${@cn.iocoder.yudao.module.crm.enums.common.CrmAuditStatusEnum@APPROVE.status}
+ AND customer.owner_user_id IN
+ <foreach collection="userIds" item="userId" open="(" close=")" separator=",">
+ #{userId}
+ </foreach>
+ AND customer.create_time BETWEEN #{times[0],javaType=java.time.LocalDateTime} AND #{times[1],javaType=java.time.LocalDateTime}
<!-- TIMESTAMPDIFF 用于求差值;AVG 求平均;TRUNCATE 去掉小数点、只保留整数 -->
<select id="selectCustomerDealCycleGroupByDate"
- DATE_FORMAT( contract.order_date, '%Y-%m-%d' ) AS time,
- IFNULL( TRUNCATE ( AVG( TIMESTAMPDIFF( DAY, customer.create_time, contract.order_date )), 1 ), 0 ) AS customer_deal_cycle
- FROM crm_customer AS customer
- LEFT JOIN crm_contract AS contract ON contract.customer_id = customer.id
- WHERE customer.deleted = 0 AND contract.deleted = 0
- AND contract.audit_status = ${@cn.iocoder.yudao.module.crm.enums.common.CrmAuditStatusEnum@APPROVE.status}
- AND customer.owner_user_id IN
- <foreach collection="userIds" item="userId" open="(" close=")" separator=",">
- #{userId}
- </foreach>
- <!-- TODO @dhb52:应该是客户的创建时间; -->
- AND contract.create_time BETWEEN #{times[0],javaType=java.time.LocalDateTime} AND #{times[1],javaType=java.time.LocalDateTime}
- GROUP BY time
+ SELECT DATE_FORMAT(contract.order_date, '%Y-%m-%d') AS time,
+ IFNULL(TRUNCATE(AVG(TIMESTAMPDIFF(DAY, customer.create_time, contract.order_date)), 1), 0) AS customer_deal_cycle
+ FROM crm_customer AS customer
+ LEFT JOIN crm_contract AS contract ON contract.customer_id = customer.id
+ WHERE customer.deleted = 0 AND contract.deleted = 0
+ AND contract.audit_status = ${@cn.iocoder.yudao.module.crm.enums.common.CrmAuditStatusEnum@APPROVE.status}
+ AND customer.owner_user_id IN
+ <foreach collection="userIds" item="userId" open="(" close=")" separator=",">
+ #{userId}
+ </foreach>
+ AND customer.create_time BETWEEN #{times[0],javaType=java.time.LocalDateTime} AND #{times[1],javaType=java.time.LocalDateTime}
+ GROUP BY time
<select id="selectCustomerDealCycleGroupByUser"
- customer.owner_user_id,
- IFNULL( TRUNCATE ( AVG( TIMESTAMPDIFF( DAY, customer.create_time, contract.order_date )), 1 ), 0 ) AS customer_deal_cycle
- FROM crm_customer AS customer
- LEFT JOIN crm_contract AS contract ON contract.customer_id = customer.id
- WHERE customer.deleted = 0 AND contract.deleted = 0
- AND contract.audit_status = ${@cn.iocoder.yudao.module.crm.enums.common.CrmAuditStatusEnum@APPROVE.status}
- AND customer.owner_user_id IN
- <foreach collection="userIds" item="userId" open="(" close=")" separator=",">
- #{userId}
- </foreach>
- <!-- TODO @dhb52:应该是客户的创建时间; -->
- AND contract.create_time BETWEEN #{times[0],javaType=java.time.LocalDateTime} AND #{times[1],javaType=java.time.LocalDateTime}
- GROUP BY customer.owner_user_id
+ SELECT customer.owner_user_id,
+ IFNULL(TRUNCATE(AVG(TIMESTAMPDIFF(DAY, customer.create_time, contract.order_date)), 1), 0) AS customer_deal_cycle
+ FROM crm_customer AS customer
+ LEFT JOIN crm_contract AS contract ON contract.customer_id = customer.id
+ WHERE customer.deleted = 0 AND contract.deleted = 0
+ AND contract.audit_status = ${@cn.iocoder.yudao.module.crm.enums.common.CrmAuditStatusEnum@APPROVE.status}
+ AND customer.owner_user_id IN
+ <foreach collection="userIds" item="userId" open="(" close=")" separator=",">
+ #{userId}
+ </foreach>
+ AND customer.create_time BETWEEN #{times[0],javaType=java.time.LocalDateTime} AND #{times[1],javaType=java.time.LocalDateTime}
+ GROUP BY customer.owner_user_id